I am trying to set two skins to the same team. Is it possible?
My content.xml is:
<!-- Classes -->
<class team="0" skin="14,15" colour="1" x="935.30" y="-140.03" z="4.98" angle="185.465" sscreen="0"/>
<weapon class="0" model="1" ammo="1"/>
<weapon class="0" model="2" ammo="1000"/>
<weapon class="0" model="3" ammo="1000"/>
<weapon class="0" model="4" ammo="500"/>
<class team="1" skin="96,97" colour="2" x="1271.70" y="-93.16" z="14.86" angle="267.593" sscreen="0"/>
<weapon class="1" model="4" ammo="500"/>
<weapon class="1" model="7" ammo="10"/>
<weapon class="1" model="11" ammo="10"/>
Skin 14 = The Diablo with red hat.
Skin 15 = The Diablo with blue hat.
Skin 96 = 8-Ball with prision outfit.
Skin 97 = 8-Ball with his normal outfit.
I am trying to make the Diablos as a team giving a baseball bat, 9mm, uzi and a shotgun to them, and the "8-Balls" as other team giving a shotgun, grenades, and a sniper rifle. The weapons isn't the problem here. When I join in my server, I only can choose between the skin 14 and 96, but I want to choose betwen skin 14,15,96 and 97. But I want skin 14 and 15 as a team, and skin 96 and 97 as other team.
P.S: I know maybe I posted this in the wrong section, if admins need to move it: No problem, I am not here to creat chaos or problems.Att. ADFENO
Have a nice day!