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16  Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Bug with animation (/anim) on: April 21, 2011, 05:23:59 pm
Shnurok asked me to write about this bug.
At many times the use of / anim 163 (prisidanie) zaryvatsya player starts in the ground (as happens with other animations.
Will you fix this bug? and when?

Thank you for your attention  ;)
17  Liberty Unleashed / Support / LU! on: February 17, 2011, 08:31:14 am
Why is the Liberty Unleashed 0.1 now can not get a boat and boat and you can test it?
Will this change?
18  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / [MC] - Mafia Clan on: November 07, 2010, 08:26:20 pm
[Mafia Clan]

The clan was created 02/08/2010. Leader and the boss of the clan San4ez. Assistant boss Tladgta3. Clan there is still a beta test of "LU". For clan members characterized skins associated with the Mafia Leone. Our base is in the "House Salvatore Leone". In the clan adopted Russian speaking participants, and at least half a year playing GTA3.
Welcome people with good humor and his ability to play clan destroys cheaters and newbies).
 Here's our part of the clan (the list can be updated):
Our friends clan:

All who wish to join a clan or find out more go here>>>

Sincerely administration [Mafia Clan]
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