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General Chat / ID for Lu Android App
« Last post by mega mind on September 04, 2024, 05:37:18 pm »
Decided to make one android app for Lu, like why not? atleast we get a wiki that is dead from a long time in this app with other features as well, so i decided to take out some time and make an app for Lu, so as the title says ID for Lu is ready and now u can use ids without getting out of the game again..!

Liberty Unleashed Chat / Liberty Unleashed Memories!
« Last post by shane_Iron on July 24, 2024, 08:33:38 am »
Hey There,

Fellas It has been approximately five or six years since I last had the pleasure of playing Liberty Unleashed. Reflecting on those days, I fondly remember the camaraderie shared with friends such as Mark, Ankris, TroubleShooter, LUmtap, Anatoly, and Neocortex. The memories we created together remain vivid in my mind.

I had a great time playing hours of Liberty Unleashed, and I find myself hoping to reconnect with all of you once again, whether through another platform or in the resurgence of Liberty Unleashed itself. The prospect of reliving those memorable moments and reigniting our shared passion for gaming is truly exciting.

Please feel free to reach out if you share the same sentiment. I look forward to the possibility of reconnecting and reminiscing about our adventures in Liberty Unleashed.

Warm regards,
General Chat / Want to make an android app?
« Last post by mega mind on July 22, 2024, 05:55:45 pm »
sharing an invite link for cordova.js developers if any one might be interested they can join and create android apps based on html,js,css for android or ios as the platform it self is awsome but there was no discord chanel for it, so decided to make one

Note: its not for liberty-unleashed related coding, but someone interested to make an app for liberty-unleashed can use it
Bug Reports / Re: Error when entering a server
« Last post by SugarD on June 08, 2024, 12:47:03 am »
Pirated games are illegal and are not supported here. You must purchase the game legally before we can provide you with any further assistance. Topic locked.
Script Releases / Re: Motley's base script
« Last post by Prada on December 12, 2023, 05:50:15 pm »
Yes daddy?
Script Releases / Re: Motley's base script
« Last post by Motley on December 12, 2023, 04:50:53 am »
Script Releases / Re: Motley's base script
« Last post by ARSEnic. on December 05, 2023, 01:01:07 pm »
Script Releases / Re: Motley's base script
« Last post by Thony on July 14, 2019, 12:42:07 am »
 :P Is a good server bro !
lolmortuary!:D / Re: Let's game !
« Last post by Thony on July 12, 2019, 12:13:14 am »
WOW!!! what a shame that the lolmortuary does not exit anymore!
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