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Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: [Serv Owners] Player Watchlist
on: February 07, 2012, 02:12:42 pm
could you please tell me in which server you found my hacking?
I saw you or somebody under your nick playing on the server, with ping 0~1 (localhost admin), and shooting with very unusual high speed from shotgun.
Yazeen is my old nick which i used in VC-MP servers. My new nick is _YaZeEn_ && [FS]Rocky. btw why are you reporting for using hacks/mods in their own server? lol.
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: [Serv Owners] Player Watchlist
on: February 07, 2012, 12:05:20 pm
Dude, I have been playing Multi-player games for years. I know the consequences of what is going to happened if i hack in a server also i suspect someone from VC-MP (Romanian) has hacked my account. VetalYA could you please tell me in which server you found my hacking? @Stormeus: you know me very well right?
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: [Serv Owners] Player Watchlist
on: February 06, 2012, 01:15:50 pm
VetalYA You crazy? I don't have a mod installed maybe you are just bad at fighting and have we even met? Sorry for Flamming you but later i checked the IP it seems like its not mine someone from romania has hacked my account/maybe i didn't even create an account in the server. Check it out. I am an Indian living in USA at this movement, so check my IP it might be either from USA/India as i will be switching between the countries in vacation
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Vice Unleashed Started!
on: December 20, 2011, 11:08:41 am
WOW LOOKIN AWESOMEEEEE! btw people will start leaving LU and join VU (not vice underdogs) if you relase this lol Will it be released in Christmas?
Hell no, lol.
ahh i wish i could play it in my Christmas vacation. Good luck guys i wish you guys all the best!
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Skin switching bug
on: December 18, 2011, 07:03:47 am
The version you are using. - What you/the other player were doing when you noticed the bug: trying to study the map,weapons,skins etc.. Is it reproducible? If so, how? - yes, Change skin while shooting What you would expect to happen if the bug didn't occur: A guy holding a normal gun A brief description of the bug: I tried to shoot contentiously and while i am doing that i changed my skin and i couldn't see my gun and i had to switch to some other gun and then switch back to see it again. I have uploaded a pic i hope that helps and Good luck fixing the bug Actually i am holding a shotgun in the picture but due to bug its not visible
Scripting / Script Help / Re: Can't find the error
on: December 18, 2011, 05:54:29 am
function RegisterUser(player,password) {
Logged.Load(player.Name + "Logged","True"); Password.Load(player.Name + "Password", password); Cash.Add(player.Name + "Cash", "0"); IP.Add( player.Name + "IP", player.IP ); Level.Add( player.Name + "Level" "1"); } Logged.Load(player.Name + "Logged","True"); Password.Load(player.Name + "Password", password); I believe you meant HashTable.Add
IP <- HashTable("Ip's"); Make it Ips instead of Ip's to be safe.
LoadModule( "lu_sqlite" ); // Load up the sqlite module Not even using SQLite, why load the module for it?
Level.Add( player.Name + "Level" "1"); Logged.Add(player.Name + "Logged" "True" ); Missing a comma, should be:
Level.Add( player.Name + "Level", "1"); Logged.Add(player.Name + "Logged", "True" );
local IP = player.IP, Login = Logged.Get( player.Name + "Logged" ); local OIP = IP.Get( player.Name + "IP" ), lvl = Level.Get(player.Name + "Level"); You defined IP at a local level:
local IP = player.IP Therefore,
IP.Get( player.Name + "IP" ) Will fail.
Triple check your code thoroughly. I've helped this time, but I likely won't help with any careless syntax errors after this.
Oh , Thanks
Scripting / Script Help / Re: Can't find the error
on: December 18, 2011, 04:51:17 am
Are you sure, that this will work for LU ? i dont think so
I have been scripting for vc-mp and suddenly switched to LU so i got confused. Did you get an error output in the server console? If you did, what does it say
No errors on console but when i go ingame and test the scripts nothing works.. Can i get a Login/Register system (Hashes) anywhere? Not the DB one.
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Crap?
on: September 26, 2011, 04:08:51 pm
Beggining of a new day... Rushed to computer.... Switched it on.. Waiting for it to open... opened liberty city.. NEW UPDATE... Downloaded... but after clicking ok "Error: Microsoft C++ error" errr.. Why does this happend ? (