More wishes:
Climbing ladders!!
I dont worry about what animation too choose, imagine putting up ladders everywhere
helicopters with car pickup magnet. (transport cars / containers with players / stuff inside)
Serverside patching of the img files! (and the rest of any game data) Gamemode: transport the suitcase: 1 team must pick up and get the suitcase back in their own base. other team tries to steal the suitcase.
Respawn time: in a battle situation there should be some penalty for getting killed, 10-15 sec respawn limit should do it.
Gamemode: dogfights... add new better plane with weapon and 12 'o clock aim
Prostitute-bots for healing. spawning on the orginal prostitute places.
Patroling Police-bots. They will respond on car alarms, attacks, violence and dirty driving. Eventually property alarms. (banks / car-retailers)
Entertainment: Drug packages that makes funny effects on your cam/gfx. (missions where you HAVE to take that drug)
Gamemode: advanced cops and robbers. Cops must defend real banks with real money inside (only visible for robbers), when robbers break in an alarm alerts the cops and robbers gets visible on radar (for a limited radius, lets say for example 1000m). If cop manages to kill/arrest all robbers, they score. If 1 of the robbers survives outside the radar radius for over 3 minutes, robbers win. Cops can respawn, robbers cannot.
Gamemode: Police can place out roadblocks. (10 each player)
Ehancement: Increase rocket launcher (add a physical rocket?) and sniper range!
Ehancement: First person view
Ehancement: Red flash screen when beeing hit.
Enhancement: Invincible 5 secs after respawn (5sec on stationary spawn, 1 sec on co-player spawn)
Enhancement: Fuel meter and functionable gas stations. (cost money)
Ehancement: Add mines and spikemats as weapons. (just makes the vehicle to heavy for the wheels or similar to simulate a puncture)
Enhancement: Burnable trees and bushes: if flames come close trees/bushes cach fire and changes texture (black and mostly transparent). Grass too?
enhancement: Instead of instantly loosing HP from beeing shot: bleeding some gradually takes HP.
And loosing limbs...
Gamemode: Singleplayermissions: for example taxi driver, travellers are bots spawning for your mission. (all kinds of singleplayermissions can be fun 2 make a more active city) (police, fireman, medic, robber, kill a dude/mob etc)
Streaming radio m3u files in car, other players can hear when they are close or sit inside the car.