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1  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Liberty Unleashed Memories! on: September 24, 2024, 09:07:53 pm
We definitely want to flip the switch and restart this thing! Kewun and I have been collaborating together pushing for a awesome server for the players. You are very well still remembered  :P
2  Scripting / Script Releases / Re: Motley's base script on: December 12, 2023, 04:50:53 am

3  Scripting / Script Releases / Re: Motley's base script on: July 04, 2019, 06:10:40 am
I managed to pick up this old base script some yesterday, I started a practical layout and assumed I would return to update it, and left most things as templates.

I will be updating the link above ::) soon, maybe by tomorrow if lucky.

I will get around to releasing a version after that with in game changes to what you can do. Not sure when that might get released

Script is on Server IP

4  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: lets bring it back on: June 28, 2019, 02:22:31 am
I'm down if some old timers are interested in popping in, even if it's for a few.. I can't guarantee if I can stick around long, hard enough getting the time. We'll see 8)
5  Scripting / Script Snippets / Re: Return Island/District, Set positions etc.. on: March 05, 2019, 06:08:01 pm
Wrote this yesterday, All of these vectors can be found in the gta3.zon file. One of the districts returned the wrong Island. So I changed it.

Version 2:
Code: ("Client-side script") [Select]
// Island
/* X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, Island */ //format
local Zones = [
[617.442, -958.347, 6.26083, 1065.44, -908.347, 206.261, 1],
[751.68, -1178.22, -13.8723, 1065.68, -958.725, 136.128, 1],
[944.208, -1149.81, -9.72576, 1016.14, -1076.01, 40.2742, 1],
[1065.88, -1251.55, -13.5049, 1501.88, -1069.93, 136.495, 1],
[1363.68, -1069.65, -18.8643, 1815.68, -613.646, 131.136, 1],
[1065.88, -1069.85, 1.49868, 1363.38, -742.054, 151.499, 1],
[745.421, -908.289, -21.203, 1065.42, -463.69, 129.593, 1],
[745.378, -463.616, -22.6676, 1065.38, -282.616, 147.332, 1],
[745.421, -282.4, -13.4117, 1065.42, -78.7699, 136.588, 1],
[1065.9, -512.324, -14.296, 1388.9, -78.324, 135.704, 1],
[745.979, -78.1778, -48.5832, 1388.98, 322.676, 101.417, 1],
[1389.37, -613.467, -29.883, 1797.6, 199.628, 120.117, 1],
[1066.1, -741.806, -34.2068, 1363.6, -512.806, 115.793, 1],
[1135.8, -695.021, 6.9661, 1182.36, -631.021, 56.9661, 1],
[1136.09, -609.976, 6.287, 1182.09, -521.167, 56.287, 1],
[617.151, -1329.72, -117.535, 1902.66, 434.115, 482.465, 1],
[1037.53, -907.274, 0.0, 1065.16, -637.689, 30.0069, 1],
[966.079, -637.366, 0.0, 1064.83, -609.557, 30.0789, 1],
[965.795, -608.99, 0.0, 995.306, -470.23, 30.9302, 1],
[995.59, -511.092, 0.0, 1065.11, -470.23, 30.0789, 1],
[1035.88, -463.56, 0.0, 1064.83, -282.86, 30.3627, 1],
[1036.15, -281.96, 0.0, 1064.85, -179.224, 30.6465, 1],
[-265.444, 161.113, -41.7094, -121.287, 367.043, 358.291, 1],
[1363.77, -613.339, -4.43849, 1389.17, -512.539, 70.4322, 1],

[444.768, -958.298, 30.7441, 614.878, -908.298, 180.744, 2],
[239.878, -411.617, 7.62939e-005, 614.322, -61.6167, 163.819, 2],
[-225.764, -412.604, -9.53674e-005, 116.236, 160.496, 120.271, 2],
[199.766, -1672.42, -61.7588, 577.766, -1059.93, 432.688, 2],
[-224.438, -1672.05, -61.3183, 199.562, -1004.45, 432.352, 2],
[200.107, -1059.19, -0.000144958, 615.107, -412.193, 198.864, 2],
[-121.567, -1003.07, -46.7463, 199.271, -413.068, 224.163, 2],
[117.268, -411.622, 0.000190735, 239.268, -61.6218, 166.36, 2],
[117.236, -61.1105, -17.071, 615.236, 268.889, 83.754, 2],
[-265.479, -1719.97, -114.769, 615.52, 367.265, 485.231, 2],
[-265.434, 79.0922, -45.8201, -226.334, 161.064, 354.18, 2],

[-1632.97, -1344.71, -45.9404, -468.629, -268.443, 254.696, 3],
[-811.835, -268.074, -45.8745, -371.041, 92.7263, 254.241, 3],
[-867.229, 93.3882, -50.1134, -266.914, 650.058, 250.426, 3],
[-1407.57, -267.966, -49.6792, -812.306, 92.7559, 250.437, 3],
[-1394.5, 93.4441, -46.7412, -867.52, 704.544, 253.344, 3],
[-1644.64, -1351.38, -117.0, -266.895, 1206.35, 483.0, 3],
[-1238.59, 306.841, -0.48605, -910.445, 504.646, 39.514, 3]

local Current_Island = 0;
local Current_District = "Liberty City"

NewTimer("AreaChecker", 1000, 0);
function AreaChecker() {
  local Player_Vector = FindLocalPlayer().Pos; 
  for (local idx=0;idx<42;idx++) {
    if ( ( Player_Vector.x >= Zones[idx][0] ) && ( Player_Vector.x <= Zones[idx][3] ) && ( Player_Vector.y >= Zones[idx][1] ) && ( Player_Vector.y <= Zones[idx][4] ) ) {
        if (Current_Island != Zones[idx][6]) {
            Current_Island = Zones[idx][6];
            BigMessage("" + Island(Zones[idx][6]), 8000, 1); 
        if (Current_District != GetDistrictName(Player_Vector.x, Player_Vector.y)) {
            Current_District = GetDistrictName(Player_Vector.x, Player_Vector.y);
            BigMessage("" + GetDistrictName(Player_Vector.x, Player_Vector.y), 1000, 6); 

// Island

// Added for testing
function onClientCommand ( Command, Input ) {
    if (Command == "island") Message(Current_Island.tostring())
    if (Command == "district") Message(Current_District.tostring())

    return 1;

I can add District ID's, as well my own District name return versus using GetDistrictName, but I feel like it's wasted time. You should find good uses of this script as well using it to manipulate player positions.
6  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: How many people still play LU on: January 24, 2019, 08:12:00 pm
The question is only out of curiosity, interested to see if anything happens to it as the topic grows in age.

The Gta era was a fun era overall. I've started using Squirrel as a place to practice Practical Programming in the past few days, but I'm not sure if I will do much more than that with it. Only been writing a ini parser directly inside of squirrel so far.

Maybe :|, I need a place to constantly test what I know as well don't know.

I'll consider checking it out sometime Stoku, I have to reinstall LU before I join your server :)
7  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / How many people still play LU on: January 22, 2019, 09:06:34 pm
Just out of curiosity, How many people play LU?
8  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: Piracy! Download contains gta3.exe on: January 22, 2019, 09:04:04 pm
Confirmed in a vm that this post is about Piracy

Pokes finger at SugarD
9  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: LU.exe Not a valid Win32 application. on: September 24, 2018, 05:59:14 am
Windows Xp support was removed.

But if you can oddly get it to work I would have to suggest following these steps if anything.

I know I got Zorin to run Liberty Unleashed. And Zorin is a linux operating systems that's practically a complete setup so wine is already there "It's free".
10  Scripting / Script Snippets / Re: Inpoly [Command] on: September 09, 2018, 08:05:33 pm
Version two:

Code: [Select]
function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
    if (cmd == "cp" ) {
      if (text) {
        Create_Poly(player, text)
local x1_ = 0, y1_ = 0, x2_ = 0, y2_ = 0, x3_ = 0, y3_ = 0, x4_ = 0, y4_ = 0;

function Create_Poly(player, size) {

    x1_ = player.Pos.x, y1_ =  player.Pos.y, x2_ = player.Pos.x, y2_ = player.Pos.y, x3_ =  player.Pos.x, y3_ = player.Pos.y, x4_ =  player.Pos.x, y4_ =  player.Pos.y;
    size = size.tointeger()
    //North East
    x1_ += size;
    y1_ += size;

    // Display the positions on the radar
    CreateClientBlip(player, BLIP_NONE, Vector(x1_, y1_, -1));
    //South East
    x2_ += size;
    y2_ -= size;

    // Display the positions on the radar
    CreateClientBlip(player, BLIP_NONE, Vector(x2_, y2_, -1));

    // South West
    x3_ -= size;
    y3_ -= size;

    // Display the positions on the radar
    CreateClientBlip(player, BLIP_NONE, Vector(x3_, y3_, -1));

    // North West
    x4_ -= size;
    y4_ += size;

    // Display the positions on the radar
    CreateClientBlip(player, BLIP_NONE, Vector(x4_, y4_, -1));

    // Output the poly so it can be copied and pasted
    print("InPoly(player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, "+x1_+", "+y1_+", "+x2_+", "+y2_+", "+x3_+", "+y3_+", "+x4_+", "+y4_+"); " );
11  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: [TW] The Warriors on: August 16, 2018, 05:19:47 am
What VCMP servers do you play  ;D ??? :-X
12  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Guess whos back on: March 24, 2018, 10:58:43 pm
You replying shows that you care ^_^.

As a member of the community, I want to thank you from all of us for staying active!!
Thank you  8)
13  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Guess whos back on: March 24, 2018, 02:30:10 am
You never finished your sentence and posted a random link. Who are we talking about, and why did they leave?
14  Scripting / Script Help / Re: Does anyone have any money script? on: February 12, 2018, 04:01:25 am
Mr Damage is banned I think...
15  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: Why masterlist dies? on: January 01, 2018, 03:17:36 am
This bug doesn't really exist anymore. When it did your LU browser would become unresponsive. Try refreshing it :)
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