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Scripting / Script Snippets / Re: lock/unlock script
on: May 26, 2013, 07:34:50 pm
1. Use TABulators. 2. You could add a check for the lock (unlock) command if the vehicle is already closed (opened). Why should someone close a closed car ?
Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: IRC Problem
on: April 18, 2013, 01:12:55 am
I'm unsure but does LUnet have more than 1 server? I know GTANet has a few, one in America, one in Netherlands or something like that ;d. And sometimes you can't connect through one, but can connect to another.
Scripting / Module Releases / Re: Improved Hashing Module
on: April 08, 2013, 08:51:46 pm
Instead of creating new hashing algorithms, we should better secure the databases, so that no one will ever look into it, no matter if passwords are saved as plain text, md5, sha or stormy[256] . And who needs to crack passwords, if most of them are already cracked, just type in google and here are the results.
Scripting / Module Releases / Re: Improved Hashing Module
on: April 07, 2013, 10:28:53 pm
Okay, so who remembers mIRC scripting in VCMP where passwords were saved as plain text and no one got a problem with it? * NC raises his hand In my opinion MD5 is still secure. You just have to manipulate the saved password with e.g. salt and pass it a few times through the MD5 hashing function and voilĂ , no one will be able to encode it, unless he doesn't know the instructions. Btw. let's not forget, that someone has to steal the database with passwords first, in order to get the hashes.