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Off Topic / General Chat / Re: Now kewun sends warnings?
on: March 11, 2017, 12:22:09 am
Don't advertise stuff like this. It gives him unneeded attention. If there is evidence of this, contact one of us directly so we can take the appropriate actions. Also: You have received verbal warnings from me already. Don't play dumb. Follow the rules and this won't happen.
Lol I've got one too mine or says I provoke users xD
Yes, and you continue to do that and you won't be accessing this forum anymore.
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: The end of LU?
on: January 27, 2017, 06:50:11 pm
Yeah, that one on my github is buggy as hell.
The current copy on my PC at home has compatibility for MySQL, SQlite, and INI for data storage so whoever uses it can go by preference I suppose. Sweet! I'd love to see more RPG servers popping up.
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: The end of LU?
on: January 27, 2017, 06:33:02 pm
@Motley, @James_Conway, what makes you guys so sure that it's not dead, I'd like if you could explain a little more. I hope it doesn't sound salty, just asking
Pfft, who you calling salty? [...]
Blame my english, I was referring about myself
[...] Right now, though, no one is doing much but ****ting on the mod. [...]
[...] but no one is doing much but experimenting and not releasing their completed projects. [...]
I'm sorry sir but your usage of "no one" is incorrect, replace it with "the majority" or "a bunch" because I don't feel like taking any blame on at all.
...and not only me, there are other people who have made positive stuff. The people shitting on this are mostly always the same ones, or unaware newcomers who have been indoctrinated or led to think that way by older lu players.
Also did you see this?
Well, I just put my unfinished RPG script on GitHub for people to freely edit as they please. Haven't gotten too far with it, but it's a good foundation to build more. I use very long variable names, just saying.
It was started in November 2016 by Aeoris and I. He wanted the stuff he added to be removed so despite the fact he contributed it on behalf of the project, I started removing some of it. I guess he's just an asshole or something. Anyway, I haven't fully finished with that yet, but I've uploaded the already so if scripters want to add to the script they can do so the meantime. I only request that you follow the scripting style I have listed in the readme file.
We'll have an amazing RPG script soon
Vortrex is amazing and I'm sure this can be helpful for Argonath
Fair points. The majority would probably be a more proper phrase, yes. As for his RPG script, although I'm highly impressed by it, we have a partially completed set of scripts using a custom design I've been working on for years. I appreciate the thought, though.