IrcX 1.0 by [R3V]PlayerX
Max Connection: 5 bots
Functions:IRC_isVoice(channel, user) // return 0 or 1
IRC_isHalfop(channel, user) // return 0 or 1
IRC_isOp(channel, user) // return 0 or 1
IRC_isProtect(channel, user) // return 0 or 1
IRC_isOwner(channel, user) // return 0 or 1
IRC_isBotConnected(botid) // return 0 or 1
IRC_say(botid, target, message)
IRC_notice(botid, target, message)
IRC_action(botid, target, message)
IRC_joinChannel(botid, channel, password)
IRC_leaveChannel(botid, channel, message)
IRC_isUserOnChannel(channel, user) // return 0 or 1 (possible bug)
IRC_setMode(botid, target, mode, params [optional])
IRC_getUserLevel(channel, user) // return ~, &, @, %, + or -
IRC_inviteUser(botid, channel, user)
IRC_kickUser(botid, channel, user, reason)
IRC_getChannelUserList(botid, channel) // return list
IRC_setChannelTopic(botid, channel, message)
IRC_sendRaw(botid, params)
IRC_connect(server, port, botname, realname [optional], username [optional]) // return bot id
IRC_quit(botid, message [optional])
IRC_getBotName(botid) // return bot name
IRC_getBotUsername(botid) // return user name
IRC_getBotRealname(botid) // return real name
IRC_registerEvent(event, switch)
IRC_onDisconnect(botid, reason)
IRC_onJoinChannel(botid, channel)
IRC_onLeaveChannel(botid, channel, message)
IRC_onUserJoinChannel(botid, channel, user, host)
IRC_onUserLeaveChannel(botid, channel, user, host, message)
IRC_onUserDisconnect(botid, user, host, message)
IRC_onUserNickChange(botid, host, oldnick, newnick)
IRC_onUserSetChannelMode(botid, channel, user, host, mode, params)
IRC_onUserSetChannelTopic(botid, channel, user, host, topic)
IRC_onUserSay(botid, recipient, user, host, message)
IRC_onUserNotice(botid, recipient, user, host, message)
IRC_onUserDescribe(botid, recipient, user, host, message)
IRC_onUserKicked(botid, channel, user, host, kicked, message)
IRC_onReceiveRaw(botid, message)
Note: if there is a bug, let me know. do not forget to add in the credits.
Download IrcX 1.0Support: - #playerx // For players who speak Spanish:: & #playerx