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16  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: La familia Corleone/The Corleone family on: December 15, 2015, 10:34:53 am
but your clan is WCaTs ? i don't know, if you want peace, no problem for me
17  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: Clan Wars on: December 14, 2015, 02:18:01 pm
Im want to give a message for all the C.R.C people, im talked with neo, and the clans are in peace for the moment, FriendlyGangsta please, talk with neo after, don't talk for all your clan, you can't, the leader is neo, then the last word belongs to neo
18  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: La familia Corleone/The Corleone family on: December 14, 2015, 02:09:54 pm
And its not about your people talk bad about my clan, is because your people attack my people, and
the most important, they attacked to me, then please, talk seriously with your people, thanks
19  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: La familia Corleone/The Corleone family on: December 14, 2015, 01:50:35 pm
Okey Neo, i change right now the information about my clan, but tell your people to improve the attitude
20  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: La familia Corleone/The Corleone family on: December 14, 2015, 10:21:41 am
im really sorry, but in your post you not put my clan as enemy ?
And is not only for this, im haved problems with people in your clan, Franklin and anonymous.
If you not change that, your clan continue in enemy list.
21  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / La familia Corleone/The Corleone family on: December 13, 2015, 02:08:11 pm
La familia Corleone es un clan el cual habla español e ingles en el cual podras encontrar a:

-VitoCorleone:El capo de la familia.

-KillerCorleone:El consigliere, asesor de la familia, controla los territorios en Staunton y aporta ideas al Don.

-VectorCorleone:Sotacapo, es junto con el consigliere el que tiene mas poder sin contar al capo y cuando el capo deje LU, el lo sustituira y sera el nuevo capo.

También tenemos diferentes territorios repartidos por Portland, los cuales son:

-Saint Mark's.
-Hepburn Heights.
-Playa de Portland.
-Red Light District (compartido con The Warriors).

Y en Staunton Island:

-Comisaria de policía.
-Bedford Point.
-Bellevile Park.

El vehiculo oficial de la familia Corleone es:

-Mafia Sentinel | id del vehiculo: 134.

La base principal de la familia Corleone es:

-La mansión de los Corleone (La mansión de Salvatore) en Saint Mark's.

Las reglas de la familia Corleone son:

-Respetar a todos los integrantes de la familia Corleone.
-No traicionar a la familia.
-No usar hacks.

Clanes enemigos:
-Actualmente ninguno

Clanes aliados:

Si deseas unirte, habla con VitoCorleone o cualquiera del clan que tenga autoridad suficiente

The Corleone family is a clan who speaks Spanish and English, you can find at
-VitoCorloene:The leader of the family.
-KillerCorleone:Consigliere of the family, control the streets of Staunton and give ideas to the leader.
VectorCorleone:Sotacapo is with the consigliere who has more power without the capo and when the capo left LU , He will be replaced and sotacapo be the new boss.

We also have different territories in Portland, which are:

-Saint Mark's.
-Hepburn Heights.
-Portland Beach.
-Red Light District (shared with The Warriors).

And in Staunton Island:

-Police Department.
-Bedford Point.
-Bellevile Park.

The oficial vehicle of the family is:

-Mafia Sentinel | vehicle id: 134.

The main base of the Corleone family is:

-Corleone Mansión (Salvatore Mansión) in Saint Mark's.

Rules of the Corleone family are:

-Respect all members of the Corleone family.
-Not betray family.
-Not use hacks.

Enemy clans:
-Currently none.

Aliade clans:

If you want to join talks with VitoCorleone or any people in the clan with the sufficient authority
22  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / La familia Corleone/The Corleone family on: December 13, 2015, 02:00:39 pm
Ha ocurrido un error y sin querer he duplicado la información del clan, pido disculpas
(teneis debajo la información del clan)
An error has occurred accidentally and I have doubled clan information, I apologize
(you have the clan information below)
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