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Scripting / Script Help / Vehicle
on: December 07, 2016, 02:24:31 am
Someone with a script about generating a vehicle that version 0.17 windows without causing the shutdown of the server no known method does not work for me
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: bad update
on: December 04, 2016, 04:53:14 pm
you think that I can not create these scripts, you are wrong, also this server I believe it much more before because I had no host I could not open it, you do not care if you play or not :l
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / bad update
on: December 01, 2016, 10:48:30 pm
The update really bad, I found many errors in windows, I can not create vehicle, I can not create pickud, being afk disconnects me etc etc etc etc, will someone repair ![](
Servers / General Server Chat / Re: server windows
on: November 24, 2016, 03:09:33 pm
I want to have vehicles on my server. The update does not allow me or I'm turning something wrong because I update it and when creating a vehicle the server closes me. I do not know what the problem is
Scripting / Script Help / CreateVehicle
on: November 16, 2016, 03:02:02 am
Server crashed when creating vehicle, help version 0.17
function onPlayerCommand( pPlayer, szCommand, szText ) { if ( szCommand == "veh" ) { CreateVehicle( VEH_INFERNUS, pPlayer.Pos, pPlayer.Angle, -1, -1 ); } return 1; }