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Off Topic / General Chat / Re: GTA Progress
on: February 16, 2012, 01:51:30 pm
GTA - Not yet played, still downloading. GTA: London (1961/1969) - Not yet played, still downloading. GTA 2 - Finished (except for tokens) GTA III - Finished GTA: Vice City - Finished GTA: San Andreas - Finished GTA: Advance - Not yet played, I don't have GBA. GTA: Liberty City Stories - Not yet played, I don't have PSP. GTA: Vice City Stories - Not yet played, I don't have PSP. GTA IV - Not yet played, too huge for my PC. GTA IV: TLAD - Not yet played. GTA IV: TBOGT - Not yet played. GTA: Chinatown Wars - Not yet played, I don't have DS/PSP.
Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: [TZC] The Zaibatsu Commission
on: November 27, 2011, 04:11:16 am
Hello there guys,
You and TZC seem to be kinda nice to us and stuff, so i will bring in discussion with TB and AsS guys to OFFICIALY without any doubt bring you to UAP.
Are you up for it?
Off Topic / General Chat / Re: UnknowmPlayer Crashing? (UPDATE: KAS confirmed crashing servers)
on: November 08, 2011, 11:13:05 am
Just to add to this, while at the server the arguably infamous player KAS, who I hear is some 11 year old who has a really poor temper with people, came out of nowhere and posted this in chat before leaving suddenly. My game started acting weird, just like the times described in my topic post above, and I disconnected.
I took a snapshot. Makes me wonder if KAS is the "UnknowmPlayer" which would make sense as his English is pretty bad.
Surprised he isn't banned from the server already. He is pretty bad company haha.
EDIT: This happened another 3 times (but it took him about 10 minutes so it was a minor inconvenience). I scared him away when I revealed I was taking photos of it, but its a warning to all.
You know [LT]KAS is an admin of that server, he can do that as many times as he want. And no other admins complain about his actions.
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Role Play
on: November 07, 2011, 05:36:02 am
Hey, i just got GTA III And I used to play GTA SA and RP on multiplayer, and i wanted to know if there was any RP servers for GTA III.
Not yet, though, but some servers are working on it, maybe you wait. At least LU has deathmatches and races.
Off Topic / General Chat / Re: UnknowmPlayer Crashing?
on: November 07, 2011, 05:35:01 am
Person impersonation is very controversial in LU right now.
For any problems, check his/her ip address first if its matched between the real one and the one who is impersonating.
Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: [Forelli] The Forelli Family
on: November 06, 2011, 12:42:53 am
Forelli members are laggers!? or is that Don impersonating this clan everywhere at anytime?
WTF did you do Svenko, you try to play with my elite member [Forelli]Marco.
Don't try that again, or we will sew you out of here.
I think he's got a point, Svenko, you didn't even try to look at his IP address and you directly say that [Forelli]Marco is Don_Salvatore_Leone. What kind of admin you are? Are you one of those "crooked" admins in the server? I'm at the side of [Forellis]. I'm sorry, Svenko, but Franco's right, Marco isn't Don. You should know it by now.
Off Topic / General Chat / Re: GTA V Trailer
on: November 04, 2011, 02:04:00 am
Okay, the protagonist of GTA V is Full-American, some tell that its also Italian-American.
The vehicles I saw in the trailer:
Shamal (Aircraft) (GTA SA Design) Cropduster (Aircraft) (GTA SA Design) Hydra (Aircraft) (GTA SA Design) Skimmer (Sea Aircraft) (GTA SA Design) Vader (Motorcycle) (GTA IV TBOGT Design) Maverick (Helicopter) (GTA IV Design) Police Maverick (Helicopter) (GTA IV Design) Feltzer (Sports Coupe) (GTA IV Design) Futo (Sedan Coupe) (GTA IV Design) Habanero (Sports SUV) (GTA IV Design) Jetski (Water Vehicle) (GTA VCS Design) Landstalker (SUV) (GTA IV Design) Premier (4-Door Sedan) (GTA IV Design) Police Cruiser (4-Door Emergency Sedan) (GTA IV Design) Buffalo (4-Door Muscle) (GTA IV TBOGT Design) Ambulance (Emergency Vehicle) (GTA IV Design) Cognoscenti (4-Door Sedan) (GTA IV Design) Caddy (Golf Cart) (GTA IV TBOGT Design) Stinger (Sports Car) (GTA III Design) Huntley Sports (Sports SUV) (GTA IV Design) Speedo (Cargo Van) (GTA IV Design) Mesa (4x4 Car) (GTA SA Design)
Some of the cars have new design, but closely resembles from the other games.
Setting: Los Santos, San Andreas (Closely based on Los Angeles, California.)
Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: [AsS] Clan
on: November 04, 2011, 12:35:10 am
Why does Liberty City in GTA III so fantastic and classy in LU? I'm so happy about it. Yeah, don't answer the question. Anyways, congratulations to the new member of the clan.