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Scripting / Script Help / Help me with the race
on: April 24, 2013, 06:33:38 am
Here's a script race with 2 areas like me to do more together ? well, that sphere ran away from me function onPlayerCommand( pPlayer, szCommand, szText ) { if ( szCommand == "race" ) { CreateSphere( Vector pos, 215.9, -921.5, 26.0 , Colour( 0, 0, 255 ) ); } return 1; } function onPlayerEnterSphere( player, sphere ) { sphere.Pos = Vector( 359.4, -920.6, 36.0 )
return 1; }
Scripting / Script Help / Help please
on: March 29, 2013, 06:54:29 pm
where to get the script to when the output has maintained a position players and weapons?
Scripting / Script Help / where I made a mistake ?
on: December 30, 2012, 04:09:09 pm
function GetIslandName( i ) { switch ( i ) { case 1: return "Portland"; case 2: return "Staunton Island"; case 3: return "Shoreside Vale"; } return "Unknown"; } function onPlayerIslandChange( player, old, new ) { PagerMessage( pPlayer, szYour have entered " + GetIslandName( new ), 140, 1, 2 ); return 1; }
Scripting / Script Help / why is it only works 1 ?
on: December 30, 2012, 02:02:20 pm
g_pSound <- null; function onClientDeath ( killer, weapon, bodypart, ) { if ( !g_pSound ) { g_pSound = FindSound( "death.mp3" ); if ( g_pSound ) { g_pSound.Open(); g_pSound.Play(); } } return 1; }
Scripting / Script Help / UTB why does not work?
on: November 01, 2012, 08:36:13 am
g_pPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();
function onScriptLoad() { local xPos = VectorScreen( 3, ScreenHeight - 40 ); local yPos = VectorScreen( 3, ScreenHeight - 28 ); local zPos = VectorScreen( 3, ScreenHeight - 16 ); local PingPos = VectorScreen( 3, ScreenHeight - 62 ); local xSize = ScreenSize( 100,3 ); local ySize = ScreenSize( 100,3 ); local zSize = ScreenSize( 100,3 ); local PingSize = ScreenSize( 100,3 ); xText <- GUILabel( xPos, xSize, "" ); yText <- GUILabel( yPos, ySize, "" ); zText <- GUILabel( zPos, zSize, "" ); PingText <- GUILabel( PingPos, PingSize, "" ); xText.FontName = "Verdana"; yText.FontName = "Verdana"; zText.FontName = "Verdana"; PingText.FontName = "Verdana"; xText.FontSize = 9; yText.FontSize = 9; zText.FontSize = 9; PingText.FontSize = 9; xText.TextColour = Colour( 180, 180, 180 ); yText.TextColour = Colour( 180, 180, 180 ); zText.TextColour = Colour( 180, 180, 180 ); PingText.TextColour = Colour( 180, 180, 180 ); AddGUILayer( xText ); AddGUILayer( yText ); AddGUILayer( zText ); AddGUILayer( PingText ); }
function onClientRender() { xText.Text = "X: " + g_pPlayer.Pos.x + ""; yText.Text = "Y: " + g_pPlayer.Pos.y + ""; zText.Text = "Z: " + g_pPlayer.Pos.z + ""; PingText.Text = "Ping: " + g_pPlayer.Ping + ""; }
Scripting / Script Help / HELP!
on: October 08, 2012, 08:21:49 pm
can you do that after the murder of a player vypodalo weapons in a single game?