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1  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: lets bring it back on: July 04, 2019, 04:00:48 am
Sure, I'd be down.
2  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: LUmtap History on: April 11, 2017, 05:03:49 pm

pfft newfag
3  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: GTM [Ghost Town Mafia] on: October 21, 2016, 10:36:22 pm
Just recognized next to Shooters name it says "We'll miss you..." Whats that about? What happened to him
4  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: GTM [Ghost Town Mafia] on: September 13, 2016, 01:58:13 am
You guys still there? I got VC-MP a while back but I never see you guys anywhere ;( Yall have steam?
5  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Re: GTM [Ghost Town Mafia] on: August 04, 2016, 10:03:24 pm
Holy shit,I hadnt a clue I was Co-Leader lmao. Its been a long time guys.
6  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: Sorry guys we've moved... on: May 28, 2016, 01:57:03 pm
Try running both the client & the gta-vc.exe as an administrator... it worked for me :)
Okay then, Ill do that later. Thank you ^-^
7  Scripting / Script Help / Re: How to replace a model on LU on: May 28, 2016, 01:54:22 pm
Ah,Okay,thank you  ;D
8  Scripting / Script Help / Re: How to replace a model on LU on: May 26, 2016, 10:41:54 pm
I remember when I first played LU the server I joined had different models for the banshee.

Keep dreamin' everything's gonna be alright!

Btw on a serious note, no you can change vehicles nor add them. As for objects, yes you can add them but again, just add and not replace or remove the vanilla ones.
Oh okay! Lol that was funny. I'm not "forcing" you or anything but any chance you can make a lil tutorial on how to add new objects?
9  Scripting / Script Help / How to replace a model on LU on: May 23, 2016, 06:56:26 pm
Hello,I have been wondering for a while now how to replace a model for a car,building etc for a server,or at least add new ones. I remember when I first played LU the server I joined had different models for the banshee. How do you do that?
10  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: Sorry guys we've moved... on: May 23, 2016, 06:43:08 pm
Vice City MP doesnt even work for me -_-
11  News and Content / Liberty Unleashed News / Re: Another new developer on: February 04, 2016, 07:41:29 pm
Anotha one - DJ Khaled
12  Scripting / Script Help / Re: Any one now how to put custom car models for vehicles and teleports? on: January 29, 2016, 11:44:21 pm
Awesome!Thank you so much ^-^
13  Scripting / Script Help / Re: Any one now how to put custom car models for vehicles and teleports? on: January 27, 2016, 05:44:42 pm
Example of a sphere on my server..

Before function onscriptload

//Camera Matrix For GunShop
A_SPickupPos <- Vector( 347.0, -713.3, 26.4 );
//Camera Matrix For GunShop


Code: [Select]
        local pSphere = CreateSphere( Vector( 352.0, -710.7, 26.2 ), 1.0, Colour( 0, 0, 0 ) );
if ( pSphere ) pSphere.Type = MARKER_TYPE_PLAYER;

local pSphere = CreateSphere( Vector( 351.4, -712.9, 26.4 ), 1.0, Colour( 0, 0, 0 ) );
if ( pSphere ) pSphere.Type = MARKER_TYPE_PLAYER;

after Unload

Code: [Select]
function onPlayerEnterSphere( player, sphere )
   Message ( "" + sphere.ID + "" );
   if ( sphere.ID == 0 )
      local newpos = Vector( 351.7, -714.8, 26.4 );
  player.Pos = newpos;
  SetCameraMatrix( player, Vector( 341.1, -720.6, 28.1 ), A_SPickupPos );
   else if ( sphere.ID == 1 )
      RestoreCamera( player );
  local newpos = Vector( 349.8, -710.5, 26.2 );
      player.Pos = newpos;
  return 1;
and this is from mess about.. sorry lazyness xD

Code: [Select]
else if ( szCommand == "airport" )
MessagePlayer( "Sending you to the airport...", pPlayer );
pPlayer.Pos = Vector( -1507.09, -909.92, 11.09 );

thats as simple as it gets... Camera matrix is complicating so i figure i will show you that along with new locations on spheres

as of the other server no clue.. :P

Thanks ^_^ But it wont work but i think its because of the way I put the files or something,any chance you can make a folder with the scripts you used and the script.xml? It would be great if you did :D
14  Scripting / Script Releases / Re: VRockers Base Scripts on: January 27, 2016, 12:23:21 am
How do you become admin? I set the thing to 6 in control.XML but it comes up a minus 1
You must start the server and register then shut it down and manually change your level in folder accounts/levels.  then save,
#BTW#Make sure to look on Google for Notepad++ works good for Lu

Thank you so much :D It was cause I wasnt using Notepad++, You are amazing ^-^ :D
15  Scripting / Script Help / Any one now how to put custom car models for vehicles and teleports? on: January 26, 2016, 11:55:16 pm
Hi,I remember one time I was on a server a long time ago and the banshee was a Lamborghini. I really wanna use custom models. Also how do you create teleports? Much would be appreiciated.
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