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1  Scripting / Script Help / Beta Draw out on: September 25, 2015, 07:01:47 pm

on the right hand side will be server info that can be turned on and off by a cmd. I really need help with this and im willing to waste Real Cash on this if it means paying a scripter . server will be a Free server.In game cash will be used for Gold accounts when the time comes (Already have all the scripts needed for that).. The game will have endless game play due to the XP system
The Plan is,You cant enter any vehicle until you lock it same goes with weapons.There may be more to it after this finally comes toggether
2  Scripting / Script Help / XP GUI Panel on: September 25, 2015, 08:44:46 am
I need help with scripting a panel for the server and don't know where to start. XP server goes by what story mode stats are. like boss,pickpocker

basically instead of RP im using XP(Experience)

any old rp gui panel script would be Nice to study. have not implemented XP points yet.:/ any help would be appreciated..
3  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Server Help on: September 24, 2015, 03:09:02 am
Thanks Theremin .

This is a second post if needed ill create a new post to be recognized.

I need server help. i want to create an XP server and ditch the cash system.
°beginning XP users only allows certain car spawn and weapon pickups 
°possibility to have no rights to enter certain cars until you reach a certain XP for those special cars.
°during levels of XP you will unlock certain weapons at ammunition , No need to hunt across the map(eventually the map will have hidden secrete weapon locations).
°1 minute in the dodo equals 10 XP points each minute.(probably hard to script in
lu)But thats a plan
°Headshot equals a certain amount.
°Each rank has a level word due to big scripting i plan on using the same rank from story mode
°The server will be a free server until missions can be scripted. cash will be used to unlock spraying of police cars bust players . unlock specialty Golden Accounts for a certain amount of time(adds an inside mission to game-play)  ,
°goto player but maybe in 40 cars distance away in .
°hide on map
°i plan on trying to script where you can only run like in story mode. After Gold Accounts you can run without banging up your keyboard XD .

There's going to be a lot and I debated to see if there is anyone willing to want to help . I plan on making a server to bring people back to liberty unleashed. (that is the game plan) server hosting will be in North America . There will really be no banning. mainly cmd spawn killing and frezzing informing the player not to hack if all fails these players will be Banned when im not in the server. and on return unban to re monitor these players.

°Another Plan, i plan use Cain and Abel to label who is who (Save There IP in an text document) to possibly see whos ban evaded.

Glad to see lu has a kick option compared to multiplayer a decade ago needing an ip stressor/ms dos attacks .WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why no permanet ban?

Liberty Unleashed has gotten small over the years and a lot has come down to banning and players giving up. i plan on preventing that. Unless It seriously has to come down to banning a player which ill have cain and abel to dettect the same ips returning back in the server. 

I could really use a team of helpers that are at least okay in scripting and can help me make this a very good server.

-HENCE all of the servers are awesome servers not saying they are not. but the same thing gets old after a while.and something new will help players to swap around in servers
4  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: Accidently Banned Myself on: September 23, 2015, 02:44:03 am
Weird deleted the ban list and restarted pc and unbanned sorry.. can i learn the correct way to unban people
5  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Accidently Banned Myself on: September 23, 2015, 02:39:14 am
Lol Yup. no better way to say it. i don't really know any other way to fix this. im not able to port forward until probable next year. i do have one more pc. i don't know if i can transfer the server over and unban myself... I just installed stoku admin panel and exceeded the amount of logins by mistake trying to /q pressed t up arrow key instead of /q lol yes pretty retarded....... Pretty noobish. I just need help with gaining full access of my server for test running.. if that's possible have not seen one forum on this XD

any help is appreciated..
6  Off Topic / General Chat / Happened to get in touch with the owner of GGM The first ever GTA 3 Multiplayer on: September 19, 2015, 08:06:42 pm
Basically a decade ago i use to be really hardcore into playing GGM and i Happened to notice he still powers his websites. Then realized his emails were still there.. so i figure why not try after all of these years.. I always wondered why didn't he continue his work..
Well hear is the responce i happened to get
His response to me:

[GoE] Barna <[email protected]>
10:45 AM (23 hours ago)

Hi there

I find it amazing that your e-mail actually reached me, maybe even more amazing that you even wrote it :-)

Sadly in 2004 I had a harddrive crash and lost the source code so even if I'd want to continue, I could not.
But I'm sure if I had to look at source code I wrote back then, I'd get sick or something HAHA

Maybe you could ask a guy nicknamed SpYder, who continued development after me for a while back then.

5 Years ago, someone else asked me about GGM, and I replied to that person that he/she should try to write to the email addresses [email protected] and [email protected] if the source code was still in his hands. Heard nothing further.

So if you end up contacting SpYder, put me into the CC, just for nostalgic reason I'd like to get the code back.

Thanks for your E-Mail, makes me happy that somehow GGM is still being remembered, even after a decade, wow!


My Programing is just way to rusty to be able to reveres the source code back to Bernhard If anyone happens to know the programmer spYder please let me know.

Caution all because i contacted Bernhard does not mean im trying to under throw liberty unleashed under the bus. This is where i began my first ever multiplayer experience in general . I would just love to be able to help Bernhard to have full control of his program again.
Even if he doesn't want to continue to work on it.
maybe if he gets the source code back maybe Vrocker and Bernhard could calibrate.

GGM launches you into story mode.

Then there happens to be the hidden menus of multiplayer that can be unlocked.
With some good programming that could be altered for a multiplayer for liberty unleashed showing all of the servers. then client can be changed.

I mean You just never know what could happen.
Just putting some who knows out there and seeking spYder .

-Happy Gaming
7  Liberty Unleashed / Suggestions / Re: SinglePlayer Missions on: September 19, 2015, 07:32:02 pm
Yes it Would I just happened to talk to the programmer of GGM Multiplayer about that.. That I Would have to Probley be on Vrockers Part,Then maybe some scripting.. A dedicated mp story mode server would be awesome to share the adventure together..
8  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Server Help on: September 14, 2015, 04:52:46 pm
That's really disappointing.. that really cuts my server down a lot.. basically to nothing.... i will have to study up read up on the forum... i was hoping to be able to create .ini files to force darkness and create a flashlight weapon and make the light texture for the flashlight.. but i think i can modify the weather data to change the quality of the sky instead...(darkness) seagulls flying instead skulls on fire. just really disappointed... i will read on that now before i go i want to quote is there any pics showing how the folder directory should look.

Thanks Stoku for responding to my post so fast
9  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Server Help on: September 14, 2015, 07:34:29 am
First off Hello Sorry if im posting in the wrong forms
This form is about modding a server
 There could be some scripting involved

I've been working on my server off and on for a long time. and now im ready to tweak it to make it officially the server i want..

I want to be able to have
custom modules
and audio files

Im trying to enforce a server function to where its first person, and alter the weapon data to bring the gun up to sight... still need to find ways to upload modifications due to i want to modify the police radio files to be something freaking creepy and that plays on foot durring the server(not police related at all)i dont know if thats what it takes to make that happen...

Kinda going for a Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil Feel. The server is still in the works, and is still in the works to be tottaly re changed.. The server will be called "Seek And Destroy".

Ive been modifying the weapon data to try to get blood on walls effect and such but that will just take time and time and fails!!.. The Main thing is can i have the weapon.dat forced to other players when they join that forces these settings?

They see what i intended the server to be? also i want to alter the pedestrians in a 3ds tool if possible and make monsters and alter the speed of certain pedestrians some run like mast gorillas etc ...

 !!but!! i don't know what kind of support and capability i have. i want an abnormal server. not the same ol server something different..

Its a lot of moderating But that's want i am best at.. I know there is not much support in asi so there will be a harder battle and a lot of cutting and programming capability's . I just really need to know the support for what im able to do and how to upload these file and force it onto the server..

10  Servers / Mess About Server / Please Re Upload Mess About Server? on: September 14, 2015, 06:59:52 am
When i first joined Liberty Unleashed it was a very long time since i played Gta 3 online. Mess about was the first server i Played then Worst Server. i have not played Multiplayer for gta 3 since the GGM version 0.4 client was big. []( cant belave its still there after all these years.... and that was a extreme long time ago. id love to play on Mess about instead of it turning into a memmory like GGM. It was an awesome server. . id love to see it up and running again. maybe at least for a week..

sincere Regards for the url

11  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: DEV POLL: Do you still use XP? on: September 13, 2015, 07:43:27 am
                                                               (Windows Experience)

I still use XP Even on a high end mobo. yet its a quad core overclocked to 4.3 GHz 2 gb graphics card.

           Ac cooled CPU with a heat shink device. mobo runs at 70 degrees F... im not really trying to go in depth, but im still too use to Ms Dos after commodore 64 days. windows 98 and up actually annoys me. Xp i can deal with used xp and windows 95 in school so i can still adjust. still using my old IBM keyboard due to has a close feel as the commodore.
12  Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Update 08-08] Extended Garages (Bombshops, Pay'n'Sprays) on: September 12, 2015, 06:13:35 pm
 :( brought to a page that states 404 not found on all of your downloads. i dont think its any tool bar extensions/hijackers on my part.
13  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: graphics editing on: June 12, 2015, 09:41:21 am
got it working on all servers had to remove some stuff.will update more later
14  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: graphics editing on: June 11, 2015, 03:47:40 pm
If this is possible i will create a zip file of all the files i got to work. And i will upload them on media fire. Im really excited this could be a break through for others wanting to come back to lu and for new players to want to join liberty unleashed. The mod is awesome.i used the actual installer last night and it went to story mode instead so now i will have to take the time to move the files around. I think it went to story mode for liberty unleashed because the start menu is the Xbox menu so there's probably a running process that needs to be altered. Any support for doing this will be highly appreciated. Just remember im not using God mode it's no hacks it's texture modifications.
15  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / graphics editing on: June 11, 2015, 02:07:08 pm
Is it possible for my part to be able to change dff files and stuff. Im thinking about trying to get very close to the Xbox mod for pc . I love the looks. Id like to know if any of it will come up in a crc check. Before i put a lot of work in.and if it works i want to upload what works for moders what is not blocked and such.. for anyone that don't know what im talking about. Look into Xbox graphics mod to pc. I plan on taking the actual files and installing them manually. I hope to hear good from this 😁 latter
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