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1  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: This sounds great! on: December 04, 2007, 01:01:48 am
So, where can a person test a LU compatible Lua script?
Do we know what functions are available for Lua and mIRC?
Do both script types control the same game elements?
Will the testers release examples of scripts used during testing?
And,,, lol. I was hoping Demerest was around, but i guess not.
There is a man in love with GTA III :)
I can't wait, finally a reason to play in Liberty again,
(Without using GTA:LC that is). I was a collision file maker!
2  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: This sounds great! on: December 03, 2007, 01:42:15 pm
Indeed it is...
I must have misread, thought LU was using mIRC as its scripting language  :-\
3  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / This sounds great! on: December 03, 2007, 03:42:23 am
Feels wierd to make a new topic for my post, but it's a little slow soo...
Well,,, Everyone knows that GTA III  is the better of the GTA's.
To finally have a really good MP mod to use for GTA III is going to be awesome!
Any chance Demerest is in on this??? lol
Anyways, really looking forward to seeing this mod develop.

P.S. 2 testing PC's and basic mIRC scripting knowledge here if anyone interested...   :)

I didn't ask... LOL
Good Luck Guys! I'll definatly be around here more often!

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