Hello everybody. I am new to Squirrel, but have used a few other languages similar to it, like Lua and such.
My question is this:
I am wanting to load vehicles using the script so I can add more data to it (like the owner of a vehicle, for example). As I am used to Lua, which I can create a table to store this data, I am not sure how this works in Squiirel. I am able to make the tables and such, but im not sure how to index them and create the vehicles. Here is what I have so far:
function LoadVehicleFromSQL()
sqlite_query(database,"ALTER TABLE vehicles AUTO_INCREMENT=1");
local amount = sqlite_query(database,"SELECT count(*) FROM vehicles");
local vehicle = 0;
for(i = 1;i = amount;i++)
local query = sqlite_query(database,"SELECT model,x,y,z,a,color1,color2,owner,faction,job,locked,engine,lights FROM vehicles WHERE id = " + i);
vData[i] <- {};
vData[i].Model <- sqlite_column_data(query,0);
vData[i].X <- sqlite_column_data(query,1);
vData[i].Y <- sqlite_column_data(query,2);
vData[i].Z <- sqlite_column_data(query,3);
vData[i].A <- sqlite_column_data(query,4);
vData[i].Color1 <- sqlite_column_data(query,5);
vData[i].Color2 <- sqlite_column_data(query,6);
vData[i].Owner <- sqlite_column_data(query,7);
vData[i].Faction <- sqlite_column_data(query,8);
vData[i].Job <- sqlite_column_data(query,9);
vData[i].Engine <- sqlite_column_data(query,10);
vData[i].Lights <- sqlite_column_data(query,11);
vehicle = CreateVehicle(vData[i].Model,Vector(vData[i].X,vData[i],Y,vData[i].Z),vData[i].A,vData[i].Color1,vData[i].Color2);
vehicle.Locked = vData[i].Locked;
vehicle.SetEngineState = vData[i].Engine
vehicle.LightState = vData[i].Lights
I am not sure how to index this table (should it be by the increment in the for loop, or by the instance created from the vehicle?)
The only conclusion I have about this is:
I create the tables, and index them by ID, not the instance, then I could use vehicle.ID in the index like:
Any help or information on this is greatly appreciated. I am probably doing it wrong, but Im not sure how to add other info to the vehicle instance (so it could be like vehicle.Owner, or vehicle.Price or something)