I hope you mean Pulsing/pulsating and not stobe
as a Strobe is a constant flashing, which would make most people rage
But anyhow! I was looking into this, and how it can be achieved, as I intend a similar thing for my own server, My current recommendation would be to use the GUI features.
For instance, for the on hit have a timer run to make it show a semi transparent rad image over the entire screen.
//create the image at the top of the script
g_GUIRedHit <- GUISprite( "GUIRedHit .png", VectorScreen(0,0) ); // Make sure this Image is plenty big enough to cover the screen.
function onPlayerHealthChange (oldhp, newhp)
//Then set a timer to remove it
g_GUIRedHit.Visible = true
NewTimer( "RemoveGuiHit", 500, 1);
function RemoveGuiHit()
g_GUIRedHit.Visible = false
Or something Like this. I have yet to write mine as I'm working on re-Writing my whole scripts.
Hope this helps
Regards Orpheus