Author Topic: My complete LU Story  (Read 2902 times)


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My complete LU Story
« on: July 24, 2018, 07:47:47 am »
                                              How did i ended up playing lu?
July 2016,i got banned from samp server.I had nothing to play so i wanted to try out gta 3 multyplayer,i downloaded lu and i saw 3,4 servers.Only [EN/ES]Aurora had 2 people playing that day.So i clicked.That day i met a guy named King.Next day in [EN/ES]Aurora i met RockstarPL we became friends,couple of hours later i met shane which he gave me 25k to buy Kuruma i remember,then he invited me into his gang BG[BallasGang].Hours later i met InsaneLou his nickname back then was Troubleshooter,and then i met shane's best friend AJ1550.Minutes later me,shane,Trobleshooter,king and AJ1550 we were having fun.Couple of days later i met Ankris the owner of Aurora,and Zack which was admin.We became friends,we were having fun.The next day i met Neocortex and i joined C.R.C with shane.some weeks later i got banned from C.R.C server and i left C.R.C.1 Week of making friends I met Fabian his nickname back then was NectoR,he killed me at first but then we became good friends,so InsaneLou left BG and create his own gang named LF[LeoneFamily]I joined.Then he started to train me to become better,so i did.Couple of days later i was hunting noobs.And 1 day later i met Mark,you all know mark.I killed him at first but then his friend came by Kifflom,and then we became friends.Days later i met other people such us Lumtap,we became friends and such.Days later i met Kewun in his server.I didnt like him when i first saw him.But later in lolmurtuary!:D I met RockstarPL then I met kewun again,me and kewun became friends.2 days later Ankris banned me from [EN/ES]Aurora because kewun was my friend,1 day later i was unbanned and free to play.A bit later i met Revenger which was in GTM[GhostTownMafia] some days later GTM was back officially.A bit later Aurora closed September 2016 everyone went to lolmurtuary!:D.In lolmurtuary i met mr_game the owner of corleone family,i left GTM and i joined Corleone.Some weeks later me and fabian created PvP events in lolmurtuary which people pvped.I pvped TeamSP13,Beavis,Mark,mr_game,Fabian,InsaneLou.With them PvP events lolmurtuary was active a lot,lot of people played.After this nothing interesting happened until 2017.You all know Kewun vs Aeoris war,that time i was in corleone.And i created several wars let me get this straight with you people Kewun=C.R.C,Corleone,GT,Leone Family,The warriors.Aeoris=GTM,LaBrat,Bratva.I destroyed GTM and Labrat u can find the topics here:,2770.0.html , ,,2775.0.html .Some time i got kicked from Corleone and then i understood that,that war was pointless so i found Aeoris and i apologised for him.Kewun was angry and i had to leave LU.When i came back to LU i Joined TW[TheWarriors] I had a server EXtreme StuntinG and everything was going well,me and kewun became friends again,and i squared everything.I apologised to Mark and all the others.Some time later in the summer 2017 Clan wars was founded by Winston.I played there,i also invited my friend from vcmp Shen,he joined LU.Then he joined Corleone family.Then Mark offered me to Join Corleone family again,so i did.Me mr_game,Shen,mixa were the only corleone members.Before summer ended i met new people NativeXMK and Oskar and tons of new.Me and Native became friends.So the story continuous.2018 Corleone family has some problems with other gangs which we solved.Nowadays nothing special happens.This is my complete story.
For people that are wondering who i am i had different names
1.TheTruth100,2.SharkEg,3.mob-best92,4.MrDamage,5.DamageCreationYT,6.DJTimecode,LittleJacob,and the nick i use now Z-Man2065.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 09:11:21 am by [TW]Z-Man2065 »


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