
Will it rise again?


Author Topic: The end of LU?  (Read 11184 times)


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2016, 12:20:09 pm »
It's definitely sleeping.

While the time I returned for a port forward and that was with you Theremin, As soon as the server was updated and ported, four hours latter the server was being attacked by an individual of this community. No one could join, My Wine support started failing as the game was frozen in my pc's memory causing me to do a hard reset.

Therefore I honestly did not want no more part of LU, Instead I would just go back to studying squirrel. The community needs to put away their differences as you said.  But... Due you think certain individuals would do so? I hope so...

Now it's time to become completely honest, After I am done studying SQ-Lite my intension was to delete my account on LU, As well skype, As well VCMP and fade off, As I am tired of the repeated BS. Now I really love this multiplayer. Ever since returning to a GTA III Multiplayer "referring to GGM" I was amazed with what I had seen, The dream to make the MP better were coming true a decade latter, That's when I wanted to study Squirrel.

I might consider not leaving, Not sure.. I might want to seek help in the end of studying SQL, To create a proper release for others to be capable of using and learning from "Even though Vortex did say the SQL plugin is basically no good".

After that I think I would like to delete all of my scripts and start over from complete scratch for one last shot, As there would be no going back. If I consider, And have to put up with the BS that I have plus worst then I am officially done,..

But I will definitely give it a few months to think on, Or something. It's 50/50. If I consider I will create something basic and fundamental.


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2016, 12:53:17 pm »
I didn't say the plugin was "no good". I'm sure with a few tweaks, it shouldn't be an issue.
It's missing a proper escape function for strings to prevent injection. It also causes the server to hang when running a few queries.

Both of these could be fixed via scripts. An custom escape function to insert escape characters (i.e. backslash) before certain symbols in a string, then pass the string to a query function.

The server hang could probably be avoided with threads, if done properly. I tested this a few years ago and it worked fine. I've lost the script I was testing, but you could read up on the use of threads in the squirrel manual for more information on how it works. If I remember correctly, you should close the access to the database file when finished, or a separate query running in another thread won't write to the file.

Here, I threw this together in a few minutes. I haven't tested it yet, but try it and see if it works.
Code: [Select]
QueryThread <- newthread( QueryFunction );
function QueryFunction ( szQuery ) {

    local pDatabase = ::sqlite_open ( "database.db" );
    local pQuery = ::sqlite_query ( pDatabase , szQuery );
    ::sqlite_free ( pQuery );
    ::sqlite_close( pDatabase );

Then, to query the database, use:
Code: [Select]
QueryThread.call ( "SQL QUERY HERE" );Obviously you'll need to replace "SQL QUERY HERE" with your query string.


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2016, 02:37:15 pm »
@Motley, @James_Conway, what makes you guys so sure that it's not dead, I'd like if you could explain a little more. I hope it doesn't sound salty, just asking :-\


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2016, 02:52:04 pm »
Well theremin I could go on forever in this but.. 

There comes times people come and go. I came and went to GGM over the years in an old Clan I used to be in.

Look at the past of MTA for Gta III, People keep wanting to come back or go to it over the years, Well until this multiplayer.

With that being said this is still the same repeat.

From a personal experience, If someone were to release awesome game-play to social media, Facebook etc. Maybe asking a certain page to upload it "Popular page", I really think it would help.

GTA III is old, Really old!, People do not really realize there is such thing as a multi-player possibility for this game. If we can better prepare servers for a upcoming for a player base, Releasing awesome videos of combined game-play from different servers, That would be intense, Wouldn't take long to fool people, Like doing so and hiding post like this one.

If we worked together, We can succeed. Social media, Facebook etc is our only strong hope to create a strong! player base, Until the time many people realize they can play GTA III on a multi-player, We wont have a player base, But we need to ensure as well that developers patch these server crashers etc,
As they will destroy that player base.......


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2016, 03:29:27 pm »
But we need to ensure as well that developers patch these server crashers etc,
As they will destroy that player base.......

That's exactly what I meant, I'm not saying you're wrong, I think you're totally right, but since we already know we can't count on them too much, we can go on fixing what's fixable ourselves. I mean some, of course not all, of the bugs can probably be fixed by a script workaround, we just need to figure it out, and by working together it will be of course be easier. I could open a topic and edit it when we figure out a solution and create a pack of script fixes ready to be downloaded. But right now I don't remember many bugs since I haven't played a lot lately. Looking at the issues list topics it's a good way to remember, but right now let me make up my mind, then I'll probably go on with that unless someone else does it in the meanwhile, which is good too.


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2016, 04:08:12 pm »
all the servers are dead.i cant play in gta.ru i can only play on Worst server 1.0.5.


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2016, 12:38:24 pm »
looks like lu will die. we need more servers  :(


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2017, 02:38:39 pm »
LU is not dead. People making comments like that is what scares new players away.

@Motley, @James_Conway, what makes you guys so sure that it's not dead, I'd like if you could explain a little more. I hope it doesn't sound salty, just asking :-\
Pfft, who you calling salty? :)

James is actually working on Argo's LU server with me. If this mod were dead, I don't think he'd be bothering to try. :P


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2017, 06:22:55 pm »
@Motley, @James_Conway, what makes you guys so sure that it's not dead, I'd like if you could explain a little more. I hope it doesn't sound salty, just asking :-\
Pfft, who you calling salty? :)
Blame my english, I was referring about myself :P

[...] Right now, though, no one is doing much but ****ting on the mod. [...]
[...] but no one is doing much but experimenting and not releasing their completed projects. [...]
I'm sorry sir but your usage of "no one" is incorrect, replace it with "the majority" or "a bunch" because I don't feel like taking any blame on at all. ::)

...and not only me, there are other people who have made positive stuff. The people shitting on this are mostly always the same ones, or unaware newcomers who have been indoctrinated or led to think that way by older lu players.

Also did you see this?
Well, I just put my unfinished RPG script on GitHub for people to freely edit as they please. Haven't gotten too far with it, but it's a good foundation to build more. I use very long variable names, just saying.

It was started in November 2016 by Aeoris and I. He wanted the stuff he added to be removed so despite the fact he contributed it on behalf of the project, I started removing some of it. I guess he's just an asshole or something. Anyway, I haven't fully finished with that yet, but I've uploaded the already so if scripters want to add to the script they can do so the meantime. I only request that you follow the scripting style I have listed in the readme file.

We'll have an amazing RPG script soon :D

Vortrex is amazing and I'm sure this can be helpful for Argonath :D


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2017, 06:25:38 pm »
Oh no.

I haven't updated that in a while. I have a few thousand lines and a ton of patches to add to it.

I'll do it once I'm home. At work for 4 more hours.

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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2017, 06:33:02 pm »
@Motley, @James_Conway, what makes you guys so sure that it's not dead, I'd like if you could explain a little more. I hope it doesn't sound salty, just asking :-\
Pfft, who you calling salty? :)
Blame my english, I was referring about myself :P

[...] Right now, though, no one is doing much but ****ting on the mod. [...]
[...] but no one is doing much but experimenting and not releasing their completed projects. [...]
I'm sorry sir but your usage of "no one" is incorrect, replace it with "the majority" or "a bunch" because I don't feel like taking any blame on at all. ::)

...and not only me, there are other people who have made positive stuff. The people shitting on this are mostly always the same ones, or unaware newcomers who have been indoctrinated or led to think that way by older lu players.

Also did you see this?
Well, I just put my unfinished RPG script on GitHub for people to freely edit as they please. Haven't gotten too far with it, but it's a good foundation to build more. I use very long variable names, just saying.

It was started in November 2016 by Aeoris and I. He wanted the stuff he added to be removed so despite the fact he contributed it on behalf of the project, I started removing some of it. I guess he's just an asshole or something. Anyway, I haven't fully finished with that yet, but I've uploaded the already so if scripters want to add to the script they can do so the meantime. I only request that you follow the scripting style I have listed in the readme file.

We'll have an amazing RPG script soon :D

Vortrex is amazing and I'm sure this can be helpful for Argonath :D
Fair points. The majority would probably be a more proper phrase, yes. As for his RPG script, although I'm highly impressed by it, we have a partially completed set of scripts using a custom design I've been working on for years. I appreciate the thought, though. :)


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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2017, 06:38:45 pm »
Yeah, that one on my github is buggy as hell.

The current copy on my PC at home has compatibility for MySQL, SQlite, and INI for data storage so whoever uses it can go by preference I suppose.

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Re: The end of LU?
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2017, 06:50:11 pm »
Yeah, that one on my github is buggy as hell.

The current copy on my PC at home has compatibility for MySQL, SQlite, and INI for data storage so whoever uses it can go by preference I suppose.
Sweet! I'd love to see more RPG servers popping up.


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