the dll is working good, but some aliases are wrong [like this that i gave yesterday on irc]. And the vcmp.setweapon now works good, setting ammo dont fails
Im using FBS, and i had to copy all the aliases [and patch some of them]. E.g. the Car database hash doesnt work, but im not worry, cause there are very similar $vcmp aliases.
Here the connect code for FBS, made by u VR
alias vcmp.listen {}
alias FBS.Connect {
if ( $dll(" $+ $scriptdir $+ vcmp.dll $+ ", Connect, 1 %serverip %rconport %pass NICK) ) {
FBS.echo 4** 2FBS $FBS.Version connecting to %servername $+ .
$dllcall( $qt( $scriptdir $+ vcmp.dll ), vcmp.listen, Listen, 1 )
if ($nick != %botname) /nick %botname
In ur code, there was my nick instead NICK here ;p but when i use a vcmp.say, every text looks like NICK <text>. Is it possible to have only the text, without the nick?Solved! The admin chat signal was different from the old DLL for bakas server. In the old, $2 was for MSG, and here $3 is for it...
And i think the disconnect signal needs also to be modifed. Cause when im shutting down the server, the IRC script still thinks that script connected to a online server :/. On the old servers dll, after shutting down the server, there was after some secs the info, but here not
Could it be possible to add some new part reasons to vcmp.partreason? Cause when i crash in game, it displays "Quit", but i have a crashed, would be better "Crash" or smthing else as part reason.
Ive got today an idea
. Could it be haxable?
The client support this form of text [Ammunation]. But it would be reaaaaaly cool, if i could enter my own text in this light black box
For now thats all, i'm everyday reading the changelong on