Well I to have been working with weird options. I will attempt to correctly share them
First I should add is your fix “Vortex” with “S19” additions
//client scripts
SecretFunction <- CallServerFunc;
CallServerFunc <- null;
dofile <- null;//thanks to Ankris [CREDITS]
function onPlayerConnect( player )
CallClientFunc( player , null , "setroottable" , null );
Next I will attempt to paste a code I just threw together.
[some of the codes moved around and could be incorrect due to I just threw it together but you get the idea]
else if ( cmd == "banluid" )
local Admin = hsh_Admin.Get( player.LUID );
if ( Admin )
if ( !text ) MessagePlayer( "Error - Invalid Format. /c ban <player> <reason>", player );
if ( i < 2 ) MessagePlayer( "Error - Invalid Format. /c ban <player> <reason>", player );
local plr = GetPlayer( GetTok( text, " ", 1 ) ), reason = GetTok( text, " ", 2, i );
if ( !plr ) MessagePlayer( "Error - Invalid Nick/ID.", player );
else if ( plr.ID == player.ID ) MessagePlayer( "Error - You can't /c ban yourself.", player );
Message( "* Admin " + player + " has Fully banned:[ " + plr + " ] LUID/ Reason:[ " + reason + " ]" );
hsh_BanInfo.Add( plr.LUID , plr.IP );
BigMessage(plr, "~r~BANNED", 999999, 3);
//SetCameraMatrix( player, Vector(0, 2000, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0) );//thanks S19[crash plr]
KickPlayer( plr );
function Banned( player )
local Banned = hsh_BanInfo.Get( player.LUID );
if ( Banned )
MessagePlayer ( "[#c60000]You are Permnetly BANNED!! from the server", player );
BigMessage(player, "~r~BANNED", 999999, 3);
//SetCameraMatrix( player, Vector(0, 2000, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0) );//thanks S19[crash plr]
KickPlayer( player );
function onPlayerConnect(player)
Banned( player );
return true;
I hope you understand the code, what i am aiming for,. My scripting is weak but i can do majority of things.
I like your idea's some of the ideas you have will work. My scripting is not complex enough to understand. Unless i see the scripts and understand them.Kudos to you for attempting this as your scripting is strong.