Author Topic: Update (09/11/2013)  (Read 18034 times)


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Re: Update (09/11/2013)
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2013, 05:58:51 pm »
We are currently working on several methods to prevent using your own client scripts and taking control of the server. The current solution was thrown together in around 20 minutes as i don't have enough spare time to work on LU that much these days and the other developers are either as busy as me or are being lazy.
The new solution that i am working on should stop this as well as many other forms of cheating but it will take time to implement properly, if we half-ass it then it will be bypassed and render it useless.

As for not letting client scripts call internal lu functions... i have thought about adding this and may add it soon but its easier said than done as squirrel doesn't have any native way to tell the difference between the two. Disabling calling internal LU functions isn't a full solution anyway as client scripts can still be used to cheat in the server. The original idea behind client scripts being able to call internal LU functions was to enable server owners to create a fully functional admin panel which could control the server easily but i did not think that anybody would be able to use their own scripts (oh how wrong i was).

To be honest, this bug isn't as bad as it was before the two patches. Yes there are ways to get around it but it isn't as simple as sasha makes it out to be, its probably only him that has taken the time and effort needed to pull this off at the moment and he hasn't been a dick about it :)
The next patch should fix it once and for all anyway but as for when it'll be released... it really depends when i have time to implement all the ideas and test them.


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Re: Update (09/11/2013)
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2013, 07:27:07 pm »
Is it possible to use 1.1 patch if you have gta3 as a game on steam?


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Re: Update (09/11/2013)
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2013, 09:24:20 pm »
Is it possible to use 1.1 patch if you have gta3 as a game on steam?
It's possible but VRocker don't want make version Steam.
I want he make like FourDeltaOne on MW2 steam without modify file GTA3 but local data it's very good and more easy I think I'm not programming.
I have gta3 on steam and I want too playing on steam like you ^^
Little back... Maybe not maybe yes...


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Re: Update (09/11/2013)
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2013, 02:20:48 pm »
Is it possible to use 1.1 patch if you have gta3 as a game on steam?
It's possible but VRocker don't want make version Steam.
Oui, Oui, it's because every app have memory address. And LU was aimed to work only with  GTA3 v 1.1 exe.

I can give you  example for single player game:

in GTA3 v 1.1 exe memory "code" that responsible for health of your player is Kfa7af6
In GTA3 Steam version, the same at memory address at hJ8ajr2egk

Although this is  a fake memory address, because i don't have a time to give you a real ( you can check them on your own, with tool that can dig up memory addresses. ), this above explains why Steam as well as android versions of GTA3 can't work with Current Liberty Unleashed Modification.


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Re: Update (09/11/2013)
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2013, 03:11:51 am »
Is it possible to use 1.1 patch if you have gta3 as a game on steam?
It's possible but VRocker don't want make version Steam.
Oui, Oui, it's because every app have memory address. And LU was aimed to work only with  GTA3 v 1.1 exe.

I can give you  example for single player game:

in GTA3 v 1.1 exe memory "code" that responsible for health of your player is Kfa7af6
In GTA3 Steam version, the same at memory address at hJ8ajr2egk

Although this is  a fake memory address, because i don't have a time to give you a real ( you can check them on your own, with tool that can dig up memory addresses. ), this above explains why Steam as well as android versions of GTA3 can't work with Current Liberty Unleashed Modification.
It is also the same reason why 1.0 isn't used. You pretty much explained the technical side of the problem quite well. Kudos to you. It has been awhile since I've seen someone who actually understood the reason explain it correctly. :)


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Re: Update (09/11/2013)
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2013, 07:08:47 pm »
Although this is  a fake memory address, because i don't have a time to give you a real ( you can check them on your own, with tool that can dig up memory addresses. ), this above explains why Steam as well as android versions of GTA3 can't work with Current Liberty Unleashed Modification.

Just to add to why LU can't easily be ported to Android, Android and Windows, and x86/x64 and ARM are completely different platforms. LU is written in Visual C++ for Windows, which has totally different limitations and tools than Java on Android.

Simply put, it would be like programming something written entirely in English. Now you need to translate it into a local dialect of Mandarin, and some symbols you need are gone, and others have entirely different representations. Your only option would be to completely rewrite it.
Morphine says:
    them LU devs ranting about how LU doesn't have client pickups
    while us VC:MPers don't have client anything

Stormeus Argo says:
    we have client crashes though

Morphine says:

Stormeus Argo says:
    LU - 0
    VC:MP - 1


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