First of all - My skills in Photshop isn't very advanced, Infact I am newbie at it. Anyway, please rate and comment my work.
I start with some sigs...
I did thisone for a contest. It's just a simple copy and paste job...

Played around with the layers, The result was worth posting, so Why not?

An extreme simple one, My first attempt ever.

My latest work, My favourite sig so far. Arn't they cute?

A more funny one. A paint work though.

A attempt that failed. Used it as an Avvaatar for a time, Didn't really like it.

Some Avvatars for Darktrhone. I like the result, Even if thw work wasn't very much...
I like the style on them.

I prefer this one!

A single little wallpaper, Was just bored when I did it. The results sucks.