i have seen many newbies trying to make a server but they donot have an admin system so heres a little snipper for you guyzz
/*top of script*/
const AdminPassword = "adminpassword"
class PlayerInfo
admin = false;
pinfo <- array(GetMaxPlayers(), null);
function PlayerIsAdmin(player)
if(pinfo[pPlayer.ID].admin== true) return 1;
else return 0;
pinfo[pPlayer.ID] = PlayerInfo();
else if(szCommand == "admins")
if (( pPlayer.Name == "admin" ) || ( pPlayer.Name == "admin1" ))
//MessagePlayer( "[#00ff00]Admins are on Duty [ " + pPlayer.Name + " ] " , pPlayer );
Message( "Admins are on Duty [ " + pPlayer.Name + " ] ", 0, 255, 0 );
MessagePlayer( "[#00ff00]Admins available [#00ffff]"+pinfo[pPlayer.ID].admin+"" , pPlayer );
else if (szCommand == "admin")
if(!szArgs) MessagePlayer( "-> Error: [#ffd700]Please type /admin <admin password>", pPlayer,255,0,102);
else if ( szArgs != AdminPassword ) MessagePlayer( "-> Error: [#ffd700]Invalid PASSWORD.", pPlayer,255,0,102);
MessagePlayer( "-> [#00ffff]Welcome "+pPlayer.Name+". You are logged as admin in server.", pPlayer,255,0,102); pinfo[pPlayer.ID].admin = true;
else if ( szCommand == "ban" )
if ( ( pPlayer.Name == "admin" ) || ( pPlayer.Name == "admin1" ) )
if ( szArgs )
local plr = FindPlayer( szArgs );
if ( plr )
BanPlayer( plr );
else MessagePlayer( "[#00ff00]Invalid Player " , pPlayer );
else MessagePlayer( "[#0f00f0]Type /ban <player> " , pPlayer );
else MessagePlayer( "[#F02F0F] Your are not admin. " , pPlayer )
else if ( szCommand == "kick" )
if ( ( pPlayer.Name == "admin" ) || ( pPlayer.Name == "admin1" ) )
if ( szArgs )
local plr = FindPlayer( szArgs );
if ( plr )
KickPlayer( plr );
else MessagePlayer( "[#00ff00]Invalid Player " , pPlayer );
else MessagePlayer( "[#0f00f0]Type /kick <player> " , pPlayer );
else MessagePlayer( "[#F02F0F] Your are not admin. " , pPlayer )
else if ( szCommand == "settime" )
if ( ( pPlayer.Name == "admin" ) || ( pPlayer.Name == "admin1" ) ){
local aTime = split( szArgs, " " );
local szHour = aTime[0], szMin = aTime[1];
SetTime( szHour.tointeger(), szMin.tointeger() );
else if (szCommand == "setweather" )
if ( ( pPlayer.Name == "admin" ) || ( pPlayer.Name == "admin1" ) ){
SetWeather( szArgs.tointeger() );
else if ( szCommand == "ann" )
if ( ( pPlayer.Name == "admin" ) || ( pPlayer.Name == "admin1" ) ){
if ( szArgs ) BigMessage( szArgs, 5000, 1 );
// ==================================