
New Login system idea

You have to register a player Name.
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You register once, If LUID is detected it will load all of your data. No same name needed unless you change Computers just relogin
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Voting closed: March 04, 2016, 02:46:38 am

Author Topic: Liberty Deathmatch [Suggestions]  (Read 3199 times)


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Liberty Deathmatch [Suggestions]
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:37:49 am »
                 Liberty Deathmatch


Thank you for viewing this page. Currently the Beta Build of Liberty Deathmatch
At this Time Is complete,

I am currently focusing on adding support for a RPG build.

At this time I will be taking Request for anything you would like to see in the server.
Nothing to crazy now(but please suggest it).

Two RPG missions have been added


If you feel there should be more missions, please state the missions you desire,

I will see what I can do.

I will add support for anything if my scripting can handle it.

A lot has been added to this server. Something’s go un-noticed even by myself.

Some things you will feel are lame like the PNS or Bomb shops. There not fully loaded and will be updated at a better time.

I will be taking Request for Administration, but putting in a request does not mean you will get it.

Looking for bug testers as well.

I am the only tester and somethings are not Synced between two players.

So also please Report Bugs so i can improve Gameplay
Currently added during down time [Some unlisted]
1 time vehicle spawns[Some players were crashing the server so unfortunately i had to invest time and add support]
Goto player for a cash amount( repaired ). as well as turning on nogoto[Admins can still goto you regardless]
Added cleo detection. some players were using cleo to crash the server.
Repaired the entire admin system other than set time. not needed. would be nice.
Added support for Bounties and hitman xD.

Current plans/working with.
Currently working more with subnet bans..
slowly working with a police stat system unlockables/bonus etc
Eventually adding support for specialty accounts. (would of done long ago but to much needed hack preventions)
adding support for/c1 /c2 while in Pay n Spray sphere
Will attempt to add some type of Export system nothing special.
Currently working with some type of delivery missions(not really a focus at this time)
attempting to add support for a position database (to many hackers causing me to focus on the things i really want to..
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 08:33:18 am by Motley »


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