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1  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: Graphics issues on servers LU: MP on: April 06, 2013, 08:35:10 pm
Thx man, my game now is working perfectly.
2  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Graphics issues on servers LU: MP on: April 06, 2013, 07:46:52 pm
Hello all players of GTA 3 LU: MP, I am here to ask them for support on my graphics problem ....

Well, my computer is basically the same time of GTA3, ie, these are the requirements below:

Motherboard: Soyo P4VGA
Processor: Pentium4 (1.6Ghz speed)
Ram Memory: 768MB
HD: 80 Gb
Operating System: Windows Xp Service Pack 3 - 32 bits
Graphics Card: nVidia GeForce4 MX 4000 with the latest version of the driver, 91.71.

Looking at this hardware, is weak for current games, but I think the GTA3 works without problems! and wondered why the LU: MP is the graph problems, see the picture:

Thanks for the help.
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