Liberty Unleashed

Liberty Unleashed => Support => Topic started by: VetalYA on December 13, 2011, 05:48:30 pm

Title: Server Requirements
Post by: VetalYA on December 13, 2011, 05:48:30 pm
I can't find related information about this.

How Many "CPU power" - server needs for smooth game ?

I bet, at least 500 Mhz.
Title: Re: Server Requirements
Post by: Juppi on December 13, 2011, 07:48:23 pm
That depends on the player counts, cars, pickups etc and more importantly how well (efficiently) your gamemode has been scripted. In any case, if you're hosting the server at home your internet connection/upload speed will more likely be the bottleneck rather than the hardware youre using.
Title: Re: Server Requirements
Post by: VetalYA on December 15, 2011, 12:39:04 am
That depends on the player counts, cars, pickups etc and more importantly how well (efficiently) your gamemode has been scripted.
I thought about it, and I noticed it right away as soon as I started to wrote scripts.

Currently, i have a mega fast internet, & there is almost no problems to host at home except expensive electricity.  If i will host the server, better choice will be to host the server somewhere else than in my home. And Thats why, i need correct info about system requirements.

I think, i need to calculate it in real time, with many players connected to my server.

Anyway, Thank to both of you.
Title: Re: Server Requirements
Post by: VRocker on December 15, 2011, 01:56:07 pm
I have run a server running the mess about script holding 6 players on a pentium 2 366mhz laptop running Gentoo and it ran fine. The main things to consider are your internet speed and latency to the rest of the world, as well as your script like Juppi said.

If your script does a lot of I/O (reads/writes a lot of files to the disk) then some older machines might struggle. Sqlite might also struggle on older machines.

The server isn't that heavy and doesn't require a super powerful machine to run it. I have one of them running on a 1.6ghz Intel Atom with a networked HDD and it has no lag so any system should be fine :)

Only way to find out is try it for yourself. If it is an older machine then i would suggest using a light Linux distribution rather than Windows XP or older, otherwise the operating system will be taking up more resources than the server itself.
Title: Re: Server Requirements
Post by: VetalYA on December 16, 2011, 09:07:27 pm
With my PC performance & internet connection everything is ok :P
Thank to my previouse tests &  to you, i can confirm it now, that  requirements for every server is always individual. ;)


The second reason why i have started this topic is:

If i will host server on VPS, there is a few hosting plans. The more CPU Mhz, RAM & HDD space  they offer, the more money  they want  for it. I want to find golden middle, with good server performance & low price for it.  :P

+ 1 note
Unfortunately i can't host my server on your host, due to  PayPal... That's why, i'm looking for hosting in my own country.

Topic locked, but Thank to all, for useful replies tho :P