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Servers / General Server Chat / Hosting server
on: August 15, 2013, 08:07:21 am
Hello, recently ordered a hosting server hosting vrocker-hosting for everything but go to the control panel can not. If you attempt to enter a login and password, the following: "Login Failed. Please Try Again. Your IP has been logged and admins notified of this failed attempt. "Maybe I'm doing something wrong, then tell me. Thank you hope for your help. P.S. wrote on mail support response've been waiting a few days.
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Launch Arguments
on: November 19, 2011, 03:59:28 pm
Will you please give examples of these features. /Tab-Favs - Display the Favourites tab on launch /Tab-Internet - Display the Internet tab on launch /Tab-Official - Display the Official tab on launch /Tab-History - Display the History tab on launch /Tab-Lan - Display the LAN tab on launch /Win-Settings - Display the Settings window on launch /Win-Help - Open the support website -noupdate - Do not automatically check for updates -hook - Launch Liberty Unleashed when the server browser is started (use together with -ip and -port) -ip - Sets the IP of the server to connect to -port - Sets the server portThanks in advance!
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Shutdown.
on: September 19, 2011, 07:58:28 pm
On "Mess about server" If a player does not enter the password then it kick the server along with all the players. It seems to me that the case in the timer.
Scripting / Script Help / /spawncar <name>
on: June 15, 2011, 05:50:21 pm
Hi all! How to do that instead of ID could inscribe the name of the machine. For example: / Spawncar 105 as needed / spawncar cheetah.
else if ( szCmd == "spawncar" ) { if ( szParams ) { local pTemp = split( szParams, " " ), ID = 90; if ( IsNum( pTemp[ 0 ] ) ) ID = pTemp[ 0 ].tointeger(); if ( ( ID >= 90 ) && ( ID <= 150 ) ) { local v = pPlayer.Pos; MessagePlayer( "Spawning a vehicle with model ID " + ID + "...", pPlayer ); local pVehicle = CreateVehicle( ID, Vector( v.x + 5, v.y, v.z ), pPlayer.Angle ); if ( pVehicle ) pVehicle.OneTime = true; } } }
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Eternally burning car
on: June 12, 2011, 07:56:41 pm
Recently, the servers began to stay forever burning cars into them often can not sit down or because they occur departures. Likewise, these machines can not destroy a single weapon ( Will this bug fixed?