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1  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / Comin' back to LU / Looking for team! on: August 01, 2018, 11:23:14 pm
Hey people. I used to be the leader of WcAtS after I left. Im leaving the past to the past and im looking for a Mafia styled team/clan.
2  Liberty Unleashed / Suggestions / Peds in LU + Some GGM stuff on: November 05, 2015, 04:44:45 pm
you know in GGM multiplayer how there are peds and cops, it would be awesome if you can add peds in LU!! How awesome would dat be?

GGM Multiplayer:

GGM Multiplayer Download :

GGM Version requirements:

Aaaaaand can some1 make a server on GGM?

Im asking a lot i know!

3  Liberty Unleashed / Suggestions / LU for android on: November 04, 2015, 05:00:08 pm
Can u plz consider making lu for android that would be amaxing!!!ik9g3r[/u][/b][/b][/b][/b] 8)
4  Scripting / Script Help / Wildcats server on: November 01, 2015, 07:35:58 pm
Right now da server is really damn shit updates defintely coming on a progress lol dont go on it yet :P
And can some1 helpnwith ma server dat would be very appreciated
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