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Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: CRC Third Reich down
on: March 19, 2017, 10:55:07 am
I know why......... someone crashed it, but can I ask is it likely to be fixed & would it be a simple matter of just rebooting it?
It is fixed now, thanks for reporting
News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (14/06/2016)
on: October 02, 2016, 03:35:12 pm
The windows server of crashes when having any
<vehicle model="96" x="899.68" y="-982.68" z="5.63" angle="91.0" col1="1" col2="2" /> in content.xml.
Any suggestion? Eventually how to downgrade to
Turn off the auto-updater and try to find a executable to replace the old one with.
You might remember this error, this is probably why people are not on LU anymore. I bet you're ignoring it just to troll us all. Fix it or probably everyone's gonna leave forever... I mean, I can just move to only playing on SA:MP while completely ignoring GTA III.
Bad attitudes like that are why the Developers don't want to work on things. They do this for free so everyone can have fun. If you don't appreciate it, why should they bother?
people are allowed to have opinions, why would someone want appreciate program that doesnt work and errors all the time? its developers job to fix that. well i m not having any problems myself, but alot other people seem to. these kind of errors should not be ignored
Off Topic / General Chat / Re: C.R.C Olympics 2016 Event
on: August 22, 2016, 08:27:23 am
Because lack of players + people being uninterested i will have to halt process of olympics and continue from day 4 later on this year [Around winter]
Off Topic / General Chat / Re: C.R.C Olympics 2016 Event
on: August 20, 2016, 12:14:37 pm
Results of the day:
/Stadium race track 5 laps\
Player king gets style score of 9/10, thus becomes rank 1 and beats shane
/race of 5 players in stadium circle track\
Winner is player king against shane, neocortex and aj1550
/C.R.C base Drag race\ round 2 aj1550 wins
round 3 king wins
round 4 aj1550 wins
round 5 neocortex wins
winner of drag race is AJ1550
/derby in arena\
Shane wins against king, AJ1550 and neocortex
Off Topic / General Chat / C.R.C Olympics 2016 Event
on: August 19, 2016, 03:15:55 pm
C.R.C empire has started new olympics event. The event is planned to end in 10.10.2016
The even will have various stuff to do, like racing, pvps.
the first few days will probably not have anything interesting, i m still doing preparations.
because Lu player base is quite small i m not planning anything big, just small little event.
The event happens in official C.R.C server, right now renamed into C.R.C Olympics
DAY 1 :
Training and preparation day, nothing big will not happen yet, still planning stuff.
results of the day :
stadium race track 5 laps, style points
rank 1: Shane with the score of 7+/10 rank 2 : [C.R.C]eagle with score of 4/10
Shotgun pvp First match
round 1 winner is player claude round 2 winner is player shane round 3 winner is player [C.R.C]bluescreenofdeath round 4 winner is player shane round 5 winner is player shane
Winner of day 1 shotgun dm : Shane
Boxing first match
neocortex vs claude round 1 winner is player neocortex round 2 winner is player neocortex round 3 winner is player claude
winner of first boxing match is player neocortex
Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Worst Server hosting expiration
on: July 07, 2016, 10:02:09 pm
sadly no, thats my opinion
as long your server has zero anti cheats it will be nothing but party place for hackers, crashers as it is right now, and theres already enough of these in lu.
but if you could make some anti cheat then probably yes
Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: Aurora
on: May 09, 2016, 01:07:14 pm
If you have proof of the server or its owners "hacking" your computer, please shoot me a private PM with evidence. Further comments accusing users of such will be removed.
Likewise, purposely posting personal information of other internet users will result in a forum ban. One user has already had the opportunity to experience this. Don't make me add to the list.
stop trying to protect someone who can possibly harm others pc, criticism should be allowed here you know.
A moderator response was given. If you wish to continue posting taunting comments, you will be removed from this forum too.
As was stated, if you have proof, you know where to send it. Until then, any such comments that are not proven are simply provoking arguments. I am not going to play these childish games with back and forth accusations. The forum rules have been made very clear to all of you several times already.
"oy vey the goyim know shut it down!"i was not taunting, i just simply hope players could be warned about possible harm that this user can possibly do to them, they deserve to know that. but fine forget it, i l stop "taunting" then.
Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: Aurora
on: May 09, 2016, 09:56:53 am
If you have proof of the server or its owners "hacking" your computer, please shoot me a private PM with evidence. Further comments accusing users of such will be removed.
Likewise, purposely posting personal information of other internet users will result in a forum ban. One user has already had the opportunity to experience this. Don't make me add to the list.
stop trying to protect someone who can possibly harm others pc, criticism should be allowed here you know.