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1  Archive / Archived Items / Re: help i am new on: December 21, 2008, 05:33:11 pm
I am new too, i am also looking for online miltiplayer for gta3. because gta3 is my favourite game.
I tried MTA but that didnt work.
But i got recomended here, im not sure if it works though.
yea my MTA just shows a title then crashes

Lucky you even got that, mine couldnt even connect.

Disconnected: Client disconnected. (Delay = 10 sec)

That is all it did, even though i typed in the ip and port.
I even deleted my antivirus and firewall.
Nothing Happened.
2  Archive / Archived Items / Re: help i am new on: December 21, 2008, 04:33:18 pm
I am new too, i am also looking for online miltiplayer for gta3. because gta3 is my favourite game.
I tried MTA but that didnt work.
But i got recomended here, im not sure if it works though.
3  Archive / Archived Items / please help on: December 21, 2008, 04:13:20 pm
I have downloaded LU, and installed it.
I have the v1.1 patch installed.
The whole game is clean and new.

When i load LU, it loads the game.
You can play the game normally, but no other players are there, and there is no multi-player options or anything.

Is this what it is supposed to do?
Have i done something wrong?

Please help.
I really want to play online with GTA3, and i was recommended this.

(sorry for not replying to the previous topic i made, i didnt relise it hadnt posted)
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