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1  Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: Gamesparks Revolution Roleplay on: July 02, 2012, 08:15:47 pm
 :-* <3 epic server. I cant wait to get back online.
2  Scripting / Script Help / Re: /kuruma help on: February 21, 2012, 06:20:08 am
Try this.

Code: [Select]
else if ( szCommand == "kuruma" )
                      local pos = pPlayer.Pos;
                      pos.x += 5.0;
      MessagePlayer( "Spawning A Kuruma", pPlayer );
                      CreateVehicle( VEH_KURUMA, pos, pPlayer.Angle, -1, -1);

3  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: GTA Progress on: February 13, 2012, 09:11:55 pm
GTA - Never Played
GTA 2 - Player For 10 Minutes
GTA III - Never Finished It
GTA VC - Completed Several Times
GTA SA - Completed About 2 Times
GTA IV - I Don't Have It
4  Scripting / Script Help / Re: GUI Help on: January 10, 2012, 09:54:04 am
Nope, doesn't work. It prints only the message not the pic.
5  Scripting / Script Help / Re: GUI Help on: January 09, 2012, 12:57:02 am
Removed the bind and tried with a ClientCommand and failed.

Code: [Select]
g_pLocalPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();
g_bEnabled <- true;
g_vmapPos <- VectorScreen( ScreenWidth - 2, ScreenHeight - 2 ); //edit this with your position
g_map <- GUISprite( "gta3map.png",  ::g_vmapPos ); //edit if file name or extension is different

function onScriptLoad()
g_map.Visible = true;

AddGUILayer( g_map );

g_pLocalPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();

return 1;

function onClientCommand( cmd, text )
if ( cmd == "map" )
if ( ( text ) && ( text == "off" ) )
::g_bEnabled = false;
::g_bEnabled = true;

return 1;

Prints Invalid Cmd all the time
6  Scripting / Script Help / Re: GUI Help on: January 08, 2012, 08:51:13 pm
Hmm, nope aint working.

PS: VectorScreen( ScreenWidth - 0, ScreenHeight - 0 ); is the center right?
7  Scripting / Script Help / GUI Help on: January 08, 2012, 07:03:14 pm
Since Im a total noob in GUI, idk how to make this.
Basicly Im trying to make the M button to display a Map pic of the whole liberty
I took an example from Juppi's speedo script but still failed.
Here is the code:

Code: [Select]
<script file="MAPGUI.nut" client="1"/>

<sprite file="gta3map.png" />

Code: [Select]
// Map settings
g_bEnabled <- true;
g_vMapPos <- VectorScreen( ScreenWidth - 0, ScreenHeight - 0 );

 * LU Events
 function onScriptLoad()
print( "Version 0.1, written by [VU_R]Raiden" );

BindKey( 'M', BINDTYPE_DOWN, "Map", player );

// Create sprites
::g_Map <- GUISprite( "gta3map.png", ::g_vMapPos );
::g_Map.Visible = false;

// Add layers for each sprite so that they are rendered
AddGUILayer( ::g_Map );

return 1;
function Map()
::g_Map.Visible = true;

And the Sprites folder which contains the file.

8  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Explosion on: January 05, 2012, 11:44:51 pm
Code: [Select]
ShakeCamera( pPlayer, 30000 );

Is this supposed to be for the local player, the player shooting, or both?

Never mind that, I was experimenting with it.

Oh and the try/catch block dint work, or i failed with it.

Gonna try with the OnClientHurt.

9  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Explosion on: January 04, 2012, 11:13:23 pm

Nope its not only for VC.
But thats the script for the explosion to kill the player & to remove all his limbs.
Im trying to make the /explosion cmd to be able to remove the player limbs, not only wen i blowup a car and Im near it.
10  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Explosion on: January 04, 2012, 10:57:27 pm
Code: [Select]
if ( cmd == "explosion" )
          local pos = player.Pos;
          pos.x += 5.0;
          CreateExplosion( pos, 1 );

Code: [Select]
g_LocalPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();

function onClientShot( pPlayer, iWeapon, iBodypart )
if ( g_LocalPlayer.Immune == false )
if ( iWeapon == WEP_EXPLOSION )
g_LocalPlayer.RemoveLimb( BODYPART_LEFTARM )
ShakeCamera( pPlayer, 30000 );
    return 1;

Wonder why wen I blowup a car ingame my arm falls, and wen I use /explosion wen the it explodes near me nothing happens even wen my player gets hit by it.
Tried with different types of explosion and still no shit.
How is that possible wen the car blows up its an EXPLOSION and my player's arm falls. And wen I simulate an EXPLOSION with the cmd nothing happens.

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