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1  Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Re: Wiki issue on: May 15, 2015, 10:33:22 pm
Error: 1062 Duplicate entry 'Aonia ' for key 'user_name' (localhost)
Logout, and then try to remove all  browser cookies ( or all links related to only ) and use Wiki as guest.

More info about cookies:
2  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: Problem with server on: January 18, 2015, 09:41:09 am
view this screenshot

You have to create UDP redirection to your PC.

So, put  - 2301 - 2301 UDP


Then you can try to connect to
3  Scripting / Script Help / Re: i need help with gui health on: January 08, 2015, 11:17:32 am
Forget about timer


Code: [Select]
pPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();

function onScriptLoad()
print( "Loaded LU Test Script" );

GUI_Progress <- GUIProgressBar( VectorScreen( 10, ScreenHeight - 30 ), ScreenSize( 350, 30 ) );
if ( GUI_Progress )
       GUI_Progress.MaxValue = 100;
       GUI_Progress.Visible = true
return 1;

function onClientRender()

if(pPlayer && GUI_Progress)
  GUI_Progress.Value = pPlayer.Health.tointeger();
4  Scripting / Script Help / Re: i need help with gui health on: January 07, 2015, 09:25:36 pm
Try something like:
Code: [Select]
pPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();
GUI_Progress <- GUIProgressBar( VectorScreen( 10, ScreenHeight - 30 ), ScreenSize( 350, 30 ) );
if ( GUI_Progress )
       GUI_Progress.MaxValue = 100;
GUI_Progress.Visible =true
GUI_Progress.Value = pPlayer.Health.tointeger();

And then put on timer ( with 1 sec delay):

Code: [Select]
GUI_Progress.Value = pPlayer.Health.tointeger();
Also, you can get desirable VectorScreen info from Wiki:
5  Scripting / Script Help / Re: i need help with gui health on: January 07, 2015, 09:01:11 pm
Try to play with
6  Scripting / Script Help / Re: i need help with bind key on: January 07, 2015, 08:59:20 pm
Because you forgot
( Just add this to any Server Side script)

Anything else will be ignored by the server (by security reasons).
7  Scripting / Script Help / Re: Help! on: November 16, 2014, 12:29:58 am

You can use this as example:,514.msg7057.html#msg7057
8  Scripting / Script Tutorials / Re: Squirrel Script Structures on: October 28, 2014, 10:21:18 pm
Videos been deleted! Can someone re-upload them?

Try this: (you need both: 2.x vs 3.x )

Good luck.
9  Scripting / Script Help / Re: i have a problem on: September 25, 2014, 08:09:10 pm
In onPlayerSpawn  function had a very rare error:

When you try to teleport a player, you get error instead. Solution was to put inside of onPlayerSpawn   timer with 100-250 delay.

Timer should work always. And if you want to avoid segfault with timers, use playerid instead of player handle.
10  Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: [NEW] Server on: September 18, 2014, 10:38:43 pm
Thanks for reporting these issues. Unfortunatelly, unless LU team grants us that the servers with stolen copy of our game mode will be blocked (now and in future), the server will be permanently closed.
I dont know the whole story, but i just wanna to inform you, that any smart scripter able to clone your server in few days weeks, without hacking VPS server.

But still, copy the gamemode idea (or scripts as you just said) from 1 server to another, not the best solution for both servers.
11  Off Topic / Spam / BREAKING NEWS: spongebob and his friends get in car accident on: September 02, 2014, 06:38:50 pm
BREAKING NEWS: Spongebob and his friends get  in car accident.
12  Scripting / Script Releases / Re: Your Own Zones (CLIENT SCRIPT) on: August 29, 2014, 12:28:42 pm
And what's the difference then, between single
Code: [Select]
if and
Code: [Select]
else if
Also, I don't see any sense in checking Player Vector on every FPS. I think for older PC timer would be better

Thank you for the feedback.
13  Scripting / Script Releases / Your Own Zones (CLIENT SCRIPT) on: August 28, 2014, 09:46:44 am
This script has been created by me in 2013. Script contain defined new zones in Portland.

You are free and welcome to use this script in any possible way as you wish.


Code: [Select]
COLOUR_WHITE <- Colour(255, 255, 255);
COLOUR_BLACK <- Colour(0, 0, 0);
g_GUI_ZONE <- null;
g_GUI_ZONEName <- null;

g_ZoneID <- -1;

g_T_Owner  <- ["Bandito","Triad", "Bandito",
"Diablos","Ballas", "Ballas",
"Yakuza","Yakuza", "Yakuza",
"Triada","Triada", "Triada",
"Leone","Leone", "Leone",
"Banditos","Diablos", "Bandito",
"Bandito","Bandito", "Bandito",
"Diablos","Ballas", "Ballas"];

function SetZoneOwner(i, myData){  g_T_Owner[i] = myData;  }

function onScriptLoad()

pPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();
NewTimer("ZoneCheck", 1000,0);

g_GUI_ZONE = GUIWindow(VectorScreen(ScreenWidth/2-265, ScreenHeight/2-160),ScreenSize(301,50),"Current Zone of:");
g_GUI_ZONE.Visible = false;
AddGUILayer( g_GUI_ZONE );

g_GUI_ZONEName = GUILabel( VectorScreen(5,1), ScreenSize(300,20 ), "......" );
g_GUI_ZONEName.FontSize = 12
g_GUI_ZONEName.FontName = "Arial";
g_GUI_ZONE.AddChild( g_GUI_ZONEName );

print("Zone script has been loaded");


function ZoneCheck()

local i=-1;
if(CheckDistance4D(1136.4, 1388.1, -332.2, -194.03)){ i=0; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1206.6, 1388.1, -517.1, -335.6)){ i=1; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1116.1, 1205.5, -193.63, -38.84)){ i=2; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1035.9, 1115.9, -233.71, -114.05)){ i=3; }
if(CheckDistance4D(901.1, 1034.6, -328.4, -109.31)){ i=4; }
if(CheckDistance4D(901, 1007.9, -108.84, 27.49)){ i=5; }
if(CheckDistance4D(763.0, 900.4, -284.0, -59.45)){ i=6; }
if(CheckDistance4D(764.8, 900.4, -444.3, -283.87)){ i=7; }
if(CheckDistance4D(901.3, 1011.2, -471.7, -329.3)){ i=8; }
if(CheckDistance4D(764.7, 901.2, -477.8, -444.2)){ i=9; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1011.5, 1068.4, -467.7, -234.46)){ i=10; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1113.4, 1205.8, -483.6, -334.3)){ i=11; }
if(CheckDistance4D(996, 1205.3, -517.4, -483.8)){ i=12; }
if(CheckDistance4D(765.3, 995.1, -640, -475.3)){ i=13; }
if(CheckDistance4D(995.2, 1086.9, -639.8, -606.3)){ i=14; }
if(CheckDistance4D(765.6, 1073.8, -778.8, -639.5)){ i=15; }
if(CheckDistance4D(765.2, 1071.3, -865.1, -779.1)){ i=16; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1079, 1141.1, -1049.8, -940)){ i=17; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1085.2, 1222.7, -1171.4, -1039.9)){ i=18; }
if(CheckDistance4D(939.5, 1084.9, -1157.7, -1050.1)){ i=19; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1223.7, 1355.2, -1185.8, -1001.7)){ i=20; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1357.7, 1540.4, -871.3, -766)){ i=21; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1357, 1549.8, -1040.7, -872.9)){ i=22; }
if(CheckDistance4D(1290.5, 1340, -804.5, -716.1)){ i=23; }

if(g_ZoneID != i){
onPlayerZoneChanged(g_ZoneID, i);  }
g_ZoneID = i;
//Message("Zona:" + g_ZoneID);

return 1;

function onPlayerZoneChanged(OldID, NewID) //Its a Call back

if(NewID == -1){
g_GUI_ZONEName.Text = " ";
g_GUI_ZONE.Visible = false;  } else  {
g_GUI_ZONEName.Text = g_T_Owner[NewID] + " gang";
g_GUI_ZONE.Visible = true;  }

//DO something else here...


function CheckDistance4D(Xlow, Xhigh, Ylow,  Yhigh )
local mP = pPlayer.Pos; 
if ( ( mP.x >= Xlow ) && ( mP.x <= Xhigh )  && ( mP.y >= Ylow ) && ( mP.y <= Yhigh ))
{ return true;  }

return false;

14  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: [Experimental] RaspberryPI Server on: August 20, 2014, 08:55:13 am
Looks nice.

Short "HOWTO".

login to your PI via SSH and then copy this code:

Code: [Select]
mkdir /home/pi/LU_Server/
cd /home/pi/LU_Server/
tar -xf LUServer.tar.gz
sudo chmod 0777 ./Server.bin

Now you have a working server executable file. You can run server with command:
Code: [Select]
And of course, dont forget to copy files and directories from full server package ( can be found on the main page ) to your new Raspberry PI LU Server.
15  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (06/08/14) on: August 18, 2014, 04:33:20 pm
This is a very old bug that we have been trying to track down the cause of for awhile.

I'm aware of that. However I'd really appreciate if this can be fixed, as I'm running a LU server and can't operate it properly without being able to connect to it.
My only idea what can cause this issue is GTA3/LU installation directory with non english characters. Eventually antivirus/UAC. What are yours install dirs?

No, unfortunatelly it's not because of that. The instalation directory is D:\Rockstar Games\GTAIII\ and even with the Avast being turned off, the LU still starts single player.

I've tried copying all the files in GTA III directory from another notebook, where LU works and no results. Therefore I assume this problem is caused by something in Windows or some missing program etc.

Try another location. Reinstall game to
Code: [Select]
D:\Games\GTA3\gta3.exeTry path to the game as short as possible.

Also, turn off firewall for a while, and test again. Good lock.
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