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1  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / [WcAts] on: December 31, 2015, 02:09:50 pm
I will be back....maybe never.....maybe soon....I just Dunno....bye for then....
AH a bit problem with my GTA 3 ass well as LU becuz Kewun 7fuckpc me which messed up my whole computer i tried doing run with administrater worked but after sometime it said U failed a CRC check(asses) and now not even GTA 3 nor LU bye WcAts...Well WcAts has no leader so if kewun ur reading this inform spacemonkey or andrei that ur the new leader of WcAts
P.S Yeah smile neo I no ur reading this  >:( >:(.
             PP.S Kewun I'm not mad at you for messing up my GTA 3...ur a heck of a demon :P ;D ;D :) ;)
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