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Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Update 23-09] GUI Admin Panel
on: September 23, 2015, 03:06:41 pm
Admin Panel 1.3.3 Release info:Bugfix release. Version 1.3.3 (23.09.2015):- [GENERAL] fix for setting admin level from panel Ps. Sad to inform you, but there's no big progress on 2.0. I'm focused on the other cool project and it should come out soon After that I'll probably continue the 2.0 development.
Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: Accidently Banned Myself
on: September 23, 2015, 02:48:04 pm
Weird deleted the ban list and restarted pc and unbanned sorry.. can i learn the correct way to unban people
If you're using AdminPanel, there's an easy way to unban ip. First you have to know ip to unban, you can get yours here. When you know ip, just open AdminPanel (P key)>Player Manager and change mode (END key) to unban ip. Write ip address and accept with ENTER key.
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Update 05-10] GUI Admin Panel
on: December 20, 2014, 12:02:54 pm
Hello! It's been a while since the last update on developmnent progress. Many things has changed in my life and I don't have that many time and motivation as I had before, but it doesn't mean that the project is completely abadonned. @up: maybe some of RGB colors in palette are not "compatible" with LU, I'll take a look on it or you can try to change them yourself in client.nut file and send me corrected ones. About disappearing mouse cursor... It may be issue with LU, because it happened to me many times even with simple scripts. It would be great to know how to reproduce this bug. And the last thing... Merry Christmass!!! Ps. Here's my latest screenshot with a new feature and context menu from 2.0, so I got a question to get some motivation... Who is waiting for 2.0? Preview #3 Merry Christmass again!
Scripting / Script Releases / [Update 05-10] GUI Admin Panel
on: October 05, 2014, 11:50:35 pm
yes, colour scheme,the tabel
Oki, I'll port the old colors back Admin Panel 1.3.2 Release info:Fix of security flaw. The servers should be more secure from now. Version 1.3.2 (05.10.2014):- [GENERAL] added fix of security flaw
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Update 29-09] GUI Admin Panel
on: October 05, 2014, 05:15:38 pm
There's security flaw in your script. Anybody with client exploit can control the server w/ admin on it.
I suggest to add one more parametr to CallServerFunc. Special key/code, what admin of server receives on join. Or it can be any other check.
Thank you. It was planned for the earlier version, but finally I didn't apply this kind of check. I thought the LU security fix will be enough. I'll update it when I get back to home. It would be great if you could test the new upload (maybe this evening). the old one was better
Please tell me why? You mean the color scheme or overall design? The 1.x will be getting some major bugfixes, but it's hard to add 2.0 features, cause the design isn't organised well and there's not much space.
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Re: Liberty Unleashed Issues List []
on: October 04, 2014, 06:31:46 pm
Thanks Teddy for proving this bug. OP updated. /edit: Found another bug in scripting, the onClientClickButton event doesn't work. Also onClientClickCheckbox should return a pointer instead of ID, cause it's easier to get ID (GUICheckbox.ID) than looking for pointer. function onClientClickButton( pButton ) { Message( "doesn't work :c"); if ( !pButton.Visible ) return 0; // that's what I want } Without these functions it's hard to prevent clicking invisible items, at least checkboxes (they're doing a "dead zone" on visible buttons). Situation with buttons is better, cause I can do a check in callback function, but it'll take many lines instead of 1
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Update 29-09] GUI Admin Panel
on: October 02, 2014, 12:20:23 am
Thanks for good words, it's nice to see that someone's using this And I've got some good info about next update. I'm not a regular player, but...had a chance to get bored of current panel look, so... * Stoku announces Admin Panel 2.0! Tabbed view and movable window, which you should love The hint for planned release date is here: Version 1.0 (31.10.2013). The question you love it? /edit: Preview #2 Feel free to request new features.
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Update 29-09] GUI Admin Panel
on: September 29, 2014, 03:45:48 pm
Admin Panel 1.3.1 Release info:The main goal of this update was reducing script load time and... TADA! It decreased from ~1350ms to <5ms! That means, the game won't lag on connect anymore. It also includes a config.ini update (admin password, login command and other features from 1.3), some tweaks and minor bugs fixes. There were made many changes, so please test and tell me if everything's fine. Version 1.3.1 (29.09.2014):- [CLIENT] reduced script load time from ~1350ms to <5ms. - [CLIENT] tweaked spectate camera (from the back of spectated player) - [GUI] prevent pressing buttons on the background windows (vehicle manager/color palette) - [SERVER] added LoginCommand, Password, DefaultLevel, MaxAttempts, LUIDAutoLogin to config.ini (the config will be updated automatically after first launch) - [GENERAL] redone some stuff, added minor fixes
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Re: Liberty Unleashed Issues List []
on: September 27, 2014, 06:17:44 pm
Thank's for your reply. Color desync happened for me once. Two GTA instances and vehicle were spawned with script (CreateVehicle( iModelID, Vector( fX, fY, fZ ), fAngle, iColor1, iColor2 ) . The colours and vehicle data was imported from XML. Setting Player.Health to 0 from client causes a crash with a high memory addresse (non GTA). Maybe the server thinks that the player is alive and still tries to sync him. Player.WeaponAmmo didn't update on the client side too (only on weapon change). Tested on client render event. weapons.dat doesn't work at all. I've placed my own file into LU/data and it didn't load, also tried to enable UAC and add "weapons.dat" line into Anticheat.uac - still no luck. The blip feature (#1) would be okay as it worked in VC-MP (to make players from the other team invisible). /edit: OP updated.
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Re: Liberty Unleashed Issues List []
on: September 24, 2014, 01:48:23 pm
OP updated.
@sasha19323: it worked for me. Maybe I made a mistake in the current code or you forgot to RegisterRemoteFunc, which was missing in your original one. I'll test it later and tell you if it's ok.
I hope that this list will be useful for devs and they'll help us striking bugs out.
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Liberty Unleashed Issues List []
on: September 22, 2014, 06:58:19 pm
Dear developers, here's the list of some unknown/known issues. It would be great to see fixes in the near future, especially bug #2, #4 and feature #1(!) which are stopping me from making cool scripts for community. List of issues:- [Sync] random colours of vehicles are sometimes desynced - proven by [WS]Teddy
- [Client] Player.WeaponAmmo doesn't update every shot, but only on weapon change
- [Client] setting Player.Health to 0 crashes the client
- [Server] LU doesn't load custom LU/data/weapons.dat
- [Server] Colour class returns only R value
- [Client] GetHUDItemEnabled doesn't return right bool
- [Client] game crashes with modded cars (GTA3.IMG, DFF vs Sync = Crash)
- [Client] starting chat typing 'T' and pressing TAB is causing a crash.
- [Client] objects disappears on explosions or reconnect
- [Client] onClientClickButton doesn't work
- [Client] onClientClickCheckbox should return checkbox pointer instead of ID
List of requests:- [Server/Client] new Player.Marker param to show someones marker only for team or Blip.AttachToEntity
- [Server] loading custom timecyc.dat
- [Server] new part reason: PARTREASON_RECONNECT
- [Sync] foot/vehicle sync improvements
- [Client] make CRC checks harder to bypass
- [Client] disable debuggers and memory scanners
Feel free to post your issues here, I'll be updating this OP. Workaround for bug #3:Server side:RegisterRemoteFunc( "client_KillPlayer" );
function client_KillPlayer( pPlayer ) { pPlayer.Health = 0; } Client side (/kill command as example):pPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();
function onClientCommand( szCommand, szText ) { if ( szCommand== "kill" ) CallServerFunc( "Server.nut", "client_KillPlayer", pPlayer ); } Add PARTREASON_RECONNECT (feature #3) (idea by sasha19323): Client side:const PARTREASON_RECONNECT = 255;
function onScriptLoad() { try { HashTable("reconnect_check"); //Here can be any name of table; } catch(e) { CallServerFunc("Server.nut", "onPlayerPart", FindLocalPlayer(), PARTREASON_RECONNECT ); } } Server side:const PARTREASON_RECONNECT = 255;
function onScriptLoad() { RegisterRemoteFunc( "onPlayerPart" ); }
function onPlayerPart( pPlayer, iReason ) { if ( iReason == PARTREASON_RECONNECT ) print("Reconnect"); }