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76  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: New VC:MP Server (With Squirrel!) on: January 24, 2010, 04:08:50 am
0.3z r2 server released -> clickety click
77  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: STEAM Holiday Sale on: December 23, 2009, 04:53:51 pm
* Juppi bought GTA:IV and 13 other games
78  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: New VC:MP Server (With Squirrel!) on: December 03, 2009, 12:52:25 am
We've opened unofficial forums for the squirrel vcmp server and everything related to it - if you need help or want to release squirrel scripts for VC:MP pay a visit to :)
79  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: New VC:MP Server (With Squirrel!) on: September 13, 2009, 09:48:10 pm
* GetHowManyPlayersAreInTheVehicle( vehicle's id)
Returns the number of players in a vehicle. I think its quite simple to script it [using while and checking how many times the player.Vehicle.ID will be the same as the number in ( ) ]. But i think if this will be a default Squirrel function, it could by used by many scripters [like for a check before using vehicle.Respawn, that is crashy ^ ]

Hmm that could be possible, i could take a look the next time i'm editing the code (no guarantees when that would be, LU still comes before this project D:)

* GetServerBuildDate
Returns the date when the server was compiled like 13/09/09. Can be useful for checking if our server hoster has updated teh server :P.

That could be useful if there was only one main build available. Now its possible that there are different builds from different people using random revisions of the code, so the server build date wouldnt tell much about the server.

* MovePlayerToSeat( player, seat number )
Moves the player to a seat. It was possible in VC single player [in the rob bank mission, botz in car have changed they seats].

That is not possible to do for the player that should be moved (no clientside code)

* ChangePlayerName( player, newname )
In MTA SA is a command /nick newnick that changes our nick, and after this is a message Name is now know as NewName [similar to irc]. I think the server is holding all players nicknames, then why dont enable to change it :)?

Same problem, no clientside code - it would work for players who join the server after the nick has been changed but not for the players who are currently online.

* ChangePlayerTeam( player, Teamid )
Changing players team.

Not possible since team data is only sent on player spawn.

Juppi said
Instead, you can print whats in the array slots, for example print( a[0] );

Ok and now i wanna make a /c kick command with NICK + REASON. Nick will be lets say in the array slot a[0]. But i cant specify how many words will be for the REASON. Then i would need something like "print everything from a[1] to end". Is this in some way possible?

You can get array length with a.len(). So you could make a gettok command which gets the tokens from 1 to a.len(), merges them and returns the result as a string.

From google code:
bool SetVehicleIndestructible( vehicle pVehicle )

I dont see this in the wiki. Is it possible to set some vehicles indestructible? And if yes: how?

That list is outdated, all the current functions are listed here:
There was a command to set vehicles indestructible, but it was buggy (didnt work always due to VCMP's fail vehicle hp code) so i removed the command. You could try setting different values for vehicle health using vehicle.Health

From ini saving:
[bla bla]
AoDNC = 1234

Instead of [ and ], my nickname is saved as a - and a circle v_v. If i wanna print the content of the ini file with message, it returns AoD NC [without everything]. Is this a bug, that to ini arent saved [ and ]?

That seems to be a bug. There had to be some changes in the ini save code since [blah] means a new ini section and clan tags interfered with that, so [] was replaced with different characters. It should return [] though, someone will take a look at that later
80  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: What do you think about LU? on: September 09, 2009, 01:38:31 am
I've always liked free-roaming around Liberty City, and i like the map more than Vice City for example. So far there haven't been decent mods offering multiplayer in Liberty City, and I'm excited to see how it will work once LU has been released. The small tests without real gamemodes have been promising, add a huge feature list and capable server owners/scripters to that and voilĂ  :)

Not to mention Vice Unleashed ;) VC needs a mod which can be used for different gamemodes, including DM, racing and roleplay. Current mods do their job (one is mainly DM, the other is more suitable for roleplaying) but they are really limited in their areas. Technically having everything LU has, VU will offer those who like VC a true MP mod with less limits and more possibilities.

I joined the LU team about a year ago and during that time I've seen the mod grow and develop huge steps. A lot of nice features have been added for players and server scripters. Sometimes I'm wondering if this is what a 'basic release' means then what possibly can a further release be :P

81  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: New VC:MP Server (With Squirrel!) on: June 29, 2009, 11:45:33 pm
1. is not a bug; a will be the pointer to the created array so you cant print the contents of the array just like that. Instead, you can print whats in the array slots, for example print( a[0] );

2. didnt manage to re-create this, tried your script but the server was still online; someone might look into it later. Using a timer might be a good idea if this keeps happening

3. is not really a bug either, if you do health - 20 when health is <20 then the result will be negative, and since the health is an unsigned char it will go to 200 something which VC:MP will round to 100. You could fix this in your script by doing something like
Code: (squirrel) [Select]
local hp = player.Health - 20;
player.Health = hp<0 ? 0 : hp;

4. Those were copied from the old multi-dll, might be fixed in the next server update if anyone bothers to fix them *hides*

5. GetPlayers() returns the current count in player pool, and since the leaving player has not been removed yet (cant remove or the script couldnt get his info!) the function returns the player count just BEFORE the player leaves. Easily compensated by doing GetPlayers() - 1 :P

1. You cant change the RAND_MAX value afaik, however you can manipulate the values like you show in the code, by taking modulo ( rand() % max ). That shouldnt return same values.

2. date() is part of the system library which hasnt been implemented into the server. However there is GetFullTime(), which returns both date and time in the same form than mIRC $fulldate does. You can grab the time token from it

1. If you have an irc echo script, why not just echo the message when using the command..? That way you could also customise the colours etc for each command :P

2. Depends how big your server is, SQLite is the best choise especially if your server and the account number is big, however you can also use SQLite improperly. XML is better than ini because the functions implemented into the server load the file into memory and edit it there till you save it, unlike the ini funcs which keep reading and writing the file over and over again.

3. Well you could script your own weather change system, for example use a timer which continuously changes the weather and reads the pre-defined weather id's from an array or something like that.

4. A distance function is relatively easy to script:

Code: (squirrel) [Select]
function GetDistance( v1, v2 )
return sqrt( (v2.x-v1.x)*(v2.x-v1.x) + (v2.y-v1.y)*(v2.y-v1.y) + (v2.z-v1.z)*(v2.z-v1.z) );

// Example: prints player distance to (0,0,0)
print( GetDistance( player.Pos, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) );

Speed could also be scripted, check how far player has moved on a certain time, divide that by the time (could use a constant timer for that). We had a similar speedo on MDR at some point, however a serverside speedo can never be as accurate as a clientside one would be.

5. All the possible keys are already listed on the wiki, those are all the keys that can be retrieved from the sync data. You'll have to use them. Adding more keys would include editing the client (and would be pointless for syncing the movements anyways)
82  Liberty Unleashed / Suggestions / Re: Unleashed wish list on: May 24, 2009, 04:19:38 am
The SA:MP chatbox isnt any kind of standard, if you mean that by a 'normal chat'. Also I prefer a chatbox with a background, makes the text readable any time while a chatbox without a background can sometimes vanish to the game graphics.

However the chatbox settings can be changed at any time ingame, this includes for example font, text size, line count and the option to enable or disable the background.
83  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: Show off your desktops on: January 20, 2009, 03:53:29 pm
VRocker@ For some reason the browser can't open your link. Maybe Imageshack has some Internet problems right now  :-\

Possibly, i can see it now

Heres mine (Pretty boring...)

Cool, an icon for MDR :o
I suppose thats faster, especially if you have configured the hax to run from the same icon :D

* Juppi spawns an Infernus and drives away

This is mine, still using space theme wallpapers:

84  Archive / Archived Items / Re: Error - HELP!!! on: December 20, 2008, 06:50:56 pm
Download this:!/
and put it into your GTA3 folder.
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