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1  Off Topic / General Chat / I was banned on the forum ?! on: January 27, 2019, 06:17:57 am
Hello. In the last two years, this account on the forum from which I currently use has been banned on the IP of my internet, what follows?
I can not use my account on my computer. Bans have been given to me for no real reason, I have not done anything to anyone here, nor have they broken any of the rights of this forum, unless someone here is not like my presence, so I want to get rid of it. I would like to explain this situation, and be able to use my account on the computer, prose to explain to me the whole situation, and to provide some sensible evidence for this matter.
2  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / [TLB] The Lost Brotherhood on: January 26, 2019, 11:47:33 am
The Lost Brotherhood is recruiting once again!

Clan Leaders:



Vice Clan Leader:


Clan Members:










Clan's Tags:



Clan's Website:

Clan's Discord:

Info about the clan:

The Lost Brotherhood rised from death. After short break we decided to reactivate it. Things has changed and now we are looking mainly from players not only from Poland, but from all around the world. The biggest things that matters for us is to build a strong, friendly community. We are having clan meetings, and in the future we are planning to play clan wars against other foreign clans. At this moment we are mainly focused to complete a team, add members. We are taking our clan serious, so If you are looking for a well created clan, join us. We guarantee that you will have fun with us. Visit our discord and forum. We are accepting applications both from forum and from voice channel from our discord. Don't wait and join The Lost Brotherhood! ;D
3  Liberty Unleashed / Support / How to upgrade the server to version on: January 24, 2019, 09:31:14 am
Hello. I have a problem with updating my server, namely in server files is update.exe file which unfortunately does not give I consulted with a person who told me that there is also a file with update on in the server.conf file that automatically updates the server to the latest version multiplayer but unfortunately there is nothing like that. I do not know what to do next, do you have any specific advice?
4  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Please Help on: January 02, 2017, 12:29:57 am
Hello. I have problems starting the browser LU. Well, when I click on the icon LU it gives me that is not found KELNERA32.DLL. My pc meets the requirements of the new version of the game I have Windows 7 32bit so I think it should launch without a problem and why this error pops up that I do not know. Please answer as quickly as possible.
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