Stop Driving on the Wrong Side of the RoadA typical day in an LU server. I have a complaint to make about players in LU.
So often everyone drives on the wrong side of the road on purpose. This leads to a lot of car accidents, confusion, and it ruins roleplay.
In my country we drive on the left side of the road, and I understand that for many other players in Liberty Unleashed they also drive on the left side. But this makes no difference.
When playing GTA, we are in Liberty City, which follows American road rules. You may be asking "why does it matter, its my server" but this is not how it works.
Liberty City roads, intersections, and avenues are
designed to be driven on the right side of the road. The traffic light systems are designed for drivers on the right side of the road.
You can not drive on the left without it completely ruining the way the transportation network is designed.
It only makes sense to drive on the right, as the NPCs in the game do. If anyone disagrees I'd be curious to hear why. But if not, please, use the right side of the road to drive when roleplaying.