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Scripting / Script Help / SetServerRule
on: October 08, 2012, 10:05:26 am
I can add Server Rule By this CMD From WIKI function onPlayerCommand( id, cmd, text ) { if ( cmd == "testrule" ) { SetServerRule("Test Rule", "Test Value"); } } But How To Remove It When I Need ?
Scripting / Script Help / GetPlayers error
on: October 06, 2012, 03:44:57 pm
I can't use if ( GetPlayers > 0 ); When I use it if 5 or 6 or 7 or 10 or any number of players in the server it works i mean the lines after it happens i mean if i made it if ( GetPlayers > 5 ); or if ( GetPlayers > 999999 ); no deference happen !
Scripting / Script Help / VBS ADMIN CMDS PROBLEM
on: October 06, 2012, 02:45:51 pm
I Have A Problem That When Any One Not LVL 6 Trys To Use The Admin Commands This Line Doesn't Appear MessagePlayer( "You must be a level admin to use this command", plr, COL_CMDERROR ); At An EXAMPLE :- if ( cmd == "sun" ) { if ( level == 6 ) { Message( "-> Setting weather to: Sunny <-" ); SetWeather( 0 ); } else MessagePlayer( "You must be a level admin to use this command", plr ); return true; }
Scripting / Script Help / problem with finding the Pickup
on: August 24, 2012, 11:39:38 am
when i try ti find Pickup i use if ( szCommand == "fp" ) { local pup; if ( szParams ) pup = FindPickup( szParams.tointeger() ); if ( pup ) MessagePlayer( "Succesfully found pickup id: " + szParams + "!", pPlayer ); else MessagePlayer( "Unable to find an pickup with id: " + szParams + "!", pPlayer ); } i can find Pickup 13 11 12 10 Etc... but when i try ti find a Pickup like 1362 or something like that it says couldn't find ( lol ) and i can see that Pickup so how can't find so help me please
Scripting / Script Help / Problem With the speedo
on: August 21, 2012, 02:36:25 pm
why it doesn't appear when I use this command if ( szCommand == "enter" ) { local veh = GetClosestVehicle( pPlayer ); if ( veh ) { MessagePlayer( "Placing you in the closest vehicle to you", pPlayer ); pPlayer.Vehicle = veh; } else MessagePlayer( "couldn't find any car", pPlayer, Colour( 0, 255, 0 ) ); } why? help please .
Scripting / Script Releases / Car Health Counter ;D
on: August 14, 2012, 03:36:52 pm
I have just finished working on it 1st i will let u see some pictures IMAGES DIEDAnd i made it at a high place in the screen to be over the speedo meter fo any one have it Installation Just u have to put this line <script folder="Counter" /> in content.xml and have fun Thair is one question that u may ask Will It Work With The Speedo ? and the answer that Sure Yes SORRY ALL LINKS DIED AND I DON'T HAVE SOURCE I DIDN'T PLAY 2 YEARS AGO
Scripting / Script Help / what is the problem in this
on: August 12, 2012, 11:01:40 pm
function onPlayerEnterSphere( player, Sph ) { Sph.Remove(); if ( player.Vehicle ) { CallServerFunc( "one/one1.nut", "one2", FindLocalPlayer() ); } return 1; } it says the 42 line is CallServerFunc( "one/one1.nut", "one2", FindLocalPlayer() );
Off Topic / Spam / a question For the intelligent Only ;D
on: June 07, 2012, 06:38:19 pm
What is the thing that holds more than 1000 tons and can't carry a nail !!!! AND What is the member which is in the human body, that closes when the human sneeze !!!!! AND any one have any question like that give me it
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / VC OR LU ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on: June 07, 2012, 03:44:12 pm
i want to know why why why VC unleashed not here until now i want to play it LU is boring very boring VC is fantastic and if it's here we will see 999999 player in the server but now when u see 15 player in the server u say woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow lol OMG many players xD and VC unleashed i think that it's more easy in scripting and more things may be in the server that isn't in ( VC-MP ) really i want to see VC unleashed soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!