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Servers / General Server Chat / [Official] Basemode 1.1 Server [LU-DM TEAM]
on: January 24, 2019, 02:58:43 pm
The official server with my Basemode (attack and defence) gamemode! The server is running most up to date Basemode ( check here!) with unreleased patches and fixes. The accounts and statistics are ready for tests!
The gamemode contains:
- complete AAD logic (timeout, killed all players, picked up the base, draws), - 20 unique bases, - 1 spawn for attackers, - 1 closed lobby, - well balanced weapons system to make every weapons useful, to avoid shotgun only fights or M16. Every weapon is powerful here and has it pros and cons, - only attackers can enter vehicles and this is a basic the idea of AAD, - player commands: /help, /info, /kill, /t - teamchat, /switch - a teamchat on "Y" key, - F1 help menu., - accounts and statistics system.
Changelog: 1.1 beta (WIP, unreleased):- accounts and statistics! - bugfixes - added FBI and Cop car on the attackers spawn - added some new team messages 1.0 Final (WIP, unreleased):- fixed fast messages [1-6 binds] spamming when teamchat open - fixed anti-afk killing defenders - fixed teamchat on [Enter] key and added new messages ("Go, go, go!" and "Roger that!") - fixed "mission passed" song in some cases - added "empty" weapons slots - added sound on player join - fixed radio not being played in cars - fixed /kill, which now forces spawnscreen instead of killing - fixed script reloading (no need to reconnect anymore) - redone /switch to force spawnscreen - added F1 - help menu
Name: [Official] Basemode 1.1 Server [LU-DM TEAM] IP: Slots: 32 Gamemode: Basemode (AAD) Script author: Stoku Server owners: LU-DM Team Official LU release topic:,3034.msg15404.html#msg15404 My GitHub:
Gameplay: Big thanks to:- NC (testing and help) - Gudio (testing, help and hosting) - Mr. Sych (my best friend forever, also tester) - Piterus (testing) - rww (testing) - Xenon (testing and hosting) - Jabu (hosting beta server and testing) - LU-DM Team for help with tests and hosting - Liberty City Killers clan  and everyone which I've forgot - feel free to remind me!
Scripting / Script Releases / [1.0Final] [Gamemode] Basemode v1.0
on: May 21, 2018, 11:09:26 pm
Me presents... The official AAD (Attack and defence) gamemode for Liberty Unleashed! It was previously dedicated for public release to play clanwars by Liberty City Killers [LCK] clan and to let other clans/players play it on their own servers too. I've started development of this gamemode at around 2010 when I was a beta tester of LU and current version is from 2018. This AAD was inspired by Basemode from MTA:SA by [ANO]Rhbk. The gamemode contains: - complete AAD logic (timeout, killed all players, picked up the base, draws), - 20 unique bases,- 1 spawn for attackers,- 1 closed lobby,- well balanced weapons system to make every weapons useful, to avoid shotgun only fights or M16. Every weapon is powerful here and has it pros and cons, - only attackers can enter vehicles and this is a basic the idea of AAD, - admin commands: /bmlogin <pass> (login as administrator), /base <id>, /end, /switch, /add <player id>, /help, /t1/2name <team name>, /resetscore, /del <player id>, /add <player id>, /resetscore - player commands: /help, /info, /votebase <id>, /fix or /fix2 to show/hide mouse cursor and toggle camera movement (it was messy sometimes, probably LU bug), /eject, /kill, /t - teamchat, - a teamchat on "Y" key, Installation: 1. Move all the scripts into Scripts/basemode/*files* directory 2. Replace content.xml in LU/ directory. 3. Replace server.conf file in the root server dir. 4. Round time, attackers spawnpoint and misc base related stuff is stored in every base xml. Please don't change current bases, thay ere tested very well and most of them are made with "camping unfriendly" way. Download and sources: Basemode 1.0 Final (zip)Sources (most recent): with running Basemode: Official, hosted by LU-DM (LU Screenshots: Big thanks to: - NC (testing and help) - Gudio (testing, help and hosting) - Mr. Sych (my best friend forever, also tester) - Piterus (testing) - rwwpl (testing) - Xenon (testing and hosting) - Jabu (hosting beta server and testing) - LU-DM Team for help with tests and hosting - Liberty City Killers clan  and everyone which I've forgot - feel free to remind me! To mods: please make this thread sticky! To devs: fell free to pm me if you want to contribute. To community: This gamemode gave us many hours of fun, so you have fun too!
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Liberty Unleashed Issues List []
on: September 22, 2014, 06:58:19 pm
Dear developers, here's the list of some unknown/known issues. It would be great to see fixes in the near future, especially bug #2, #4 and feature #1(!) which are stopping me from making cool scripts for community. List of issues:- [Sync] random colours of vehicles are sometimes desynced - proven by [WS]Teddy
- [Client] Player.WeaponAmmo doesn't update every shot, but only on weapon change
- [Client] setting Player.Health to 0 crashes the client
- [Server] LU doesn't load custom LU/data/weapons.dat
- [Server] Colour class returns only R value
- [Client] GetHUDItemEnabled doesn't return right bool
- [Client] game crashes with modded cars (GTA3.IMG, DFF vs Sync = Crash)
- [Client] starting chat typing 'T' and pressing TAB is causing a crash.
- [Client] objects disappears on explosions or reconnect
- [Client] onClientClickButton doesn't work
- [Client] onClientClickCheckbox should return checkbox pointer instead of ID
List of requests:- [Server/Client] new Player.Marker param to show someones marker only for team or Blip.AttachToEntity
- [Server] loading custom timecyc.dat
- [Server] new part reason: PARTREASON_RECONNECT
- [Sync] foot/vehicle sync improvements
- [Client] make CRC checks harder to bypass
- [Client] disable debuggers and memory scanners
Feel free to post your issues here, I'll be updating this OP. Workaround for bug #3:Server side:RegisterRemoteFunc( "client_KillPlayer" );
function client_KillPlayer( pPlayer ) { pPlayer.Health = 0; } Client side (/kill command as example):pPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer();
function onClientCommand( szCommand, szText ) { if ( szCommand== "kill" ) CallServerFunc( "Server.nut", "client_KillPlayer", pPlayer ); } Add PARTREASON_RECONNECT (feature #3) (idea by sasha19323): Client side:const PARTREASON_RECONNECT = 255;
function onScriptLoad() { try { HashTable("reconnect_check"); //Here can be any name of table; } catch(e) { CallServerFunc("Server.nut", "onPlayerPart", FindLocalPlayer(), PARTREASON_RECONNECT ); } } Server side:const PARTREASON_RECONNECT = 255;
function onScriptLoad() { RegisterRemoteFunc( "onPlayerPart" ); }
function onPlayerPart( pPlayer, iReason ) { if ( iReason == PARTREASON_RECONNECT ) print("Reconnect"); }
Scripting / Script Help / [Request] GetFileList()
on: November 03, 2013, 03:46:17 pm
Hey, I need a simple module for my Admin Panel to get list of the files of given extension, eg GetFileList(dir,ext). I'm sure, it'll be an useful util for others too.
Anyone could help me please? Ofc +to credits.
Liberty Unleashed / Suggestions / Some new functions request
on: February 26, 2011, 04:59:12 pm
Hi, Could you add ability to use .ini/.xml files client-side which can be edited by players (something like their own config)? The other missing stuff is "SetCurrentWeapon" function (client-side).
Are there any chances to get these things in the next update?
Scripting / Script Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] "while" loop
on: February 26, 2011, 02:55:12 am
Hello, I got bored so I decided to write this short "tutorial" about "while" loop. The while loop will be repeating as long as it's condition is false (eg. 1 > 0 = true, stop; 1 < 0 = false, continue executing). The main syntax of the while loop is:while ( condition ) { code to execute } And below are some samples of use:- Setting all players health to 100:local x = 0;
while ( x < GetPlayers() ) { local plr = FindPlayer( x );
if ( plr ) { plr.Health = 100; } x++; } - Teleporting all players somewhere:local x = 0;
while ( x < GetPlayers() ) { local plr = FindPlayer( x );
if ( plr ) { plr.Pos = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); } x++; } - Fixing every vehicle on the server:local x = 0;
while ( x < GetVehicleCount() ) { local veh = FindVehicle( x );
if ( veh ) { veh.Fix(); } x++; } Good luck with looping  . PS. Samples weren't tested, so if there's something wrong, please inform me.
Archive / Archived Items / Team Chat script
on: February 24, 2011, 03:47:51 pm
Description:This is a simple team chat script. Screenshot:Usage:Press 'Y' key to show team chat window and return to send message or close the window. Additional informations can be found in console (~). Download:Link removed, see below Installation:1. Download and unzip "" to your scripts directory (eg. Scripts/teamchat/*files*). 2. Open "content.xml" file and add the following line: <script folder="teamchat" /> Thats all  . Edit by Juppi: Please include the source code for this release
Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / [LCK] Liberty City Killers
on: November 23, 2010, 10:48:11 pm
Liberty City Killers
One of the oldest existing international clans, found by Stoku and Zentrix in 2006 in GTA3:MTA. In our history we were playing MTA:VC, Liberty Unleashed and some Counter Strike 1.6. Earlier our goal was to be the strongest clan in deathmatching. We did it! Now, after many years, we are like a family and not looking much at shooting skills, but at loyality and activity on our Discord. Our members are mostly oldschool players from MTA 0.5 era. Also we've experienced some real life meetings and every member if needs help will get it. And after a long break, we're back again. Not as a single player, but with a nice team. Of course, now we're older and our time for playing is very limited, but you can find us in VC-MP on LCS-DM or Basemode server, LW (Zentrix) or Cops&Robbers (Iceman as DT gang). Our active team:Iceman [PL] JarzabPL [PL] Mates [PL] rww [PL] Satro [PL] SirSer [PL] Stoku [PL] Stolidjarl44 [PL] Vandi [PL] Waluta [PL] Xenon [PL] Zentrix [PL] Best regards, Liberty City Killers.
Off Topic / General Chat / Happy new year!
on: December 31, 2009, 11:51:24 pm
Happy new year everybody! A lot of fraggs, health and more  . And good luck at coding for our LU developers  . Best wishes everybody!
Off Topic / General Chat / Merry Christmas!
on: December 21, 2008, 10:13:09 am
Merry Christmas! I wish you happy Christmas! Christmas is a time for love and fun, A time to reshape souls and roots and skies, A time to give your heart to everyone
Freely, like a rich and lavish sun, Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs Show need of such a time for love and fun.
For children first, whose pain is never done, Whose bright white fire of anguish never dies, It's time to give your heart to every one,
That not one angel fall, to hatred won For lack of ears to listen to her cries, Or arms to carry him towards love and fun,
Or friends to care what happens on the run To adult life, where joy or sadness lies. It's time to give your heart to everyone,
For God loves all, and turns His back on none, Good or twisted, ignorant or wise. Christmas is a time for love and fun, A time to give your heart to everyone.
Archive / Archived Items / FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
on: December 14, 2008, 08:20:03 pm
This is Liberty Unleashed's FAQ. Below are answers for questions what I've read. Q: Why there's no server browser in LU? A: Because this is very soon beta version and there is only one server. That's why it don't need server browser at this moment. It will be included later, when betatests will be finished or soonner. Q: Entering as passenger is bugged. It will be fixed? A: Yes, of course. This version of Liberty Unleashed isn't completed. Like I said - it's "very soon beta" and it's not perfect. As you can see, LU is still under development and bugs are eliminated everyday. Q: I get the message 'You have been disconnected from the server' when i join. Why? A: You are using an old version of the DLL. Please update by downloading!/ Future versions will tell you to update your dll Q: When will server files be released? A: When LU will be released. Q: When LU will be released? A: When VRocker will feel it's ready. If you want to ask for something, post it here. We will try to answer for all your questions. The topic was closed to the next public tests.