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Off Topic / General Chat / Re: MTA 0.5 server
on: December 16, 2010, 10:35:21 pm
That's bad, considering VC:MP would be very good with a good amount of players and let's not forget the syncing.
I know that's right.
Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: Unhandled Expection
on: November 14, 2010, 08:31:20 pm
I'd probably do: Right Mouse Click GTALU > Click Properties > Click Compatibility > Click Run Compatibility Mode > Click Windows 98 / Windows Me. Click Ok / Apply then start.
Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: question
on: November 11, 2010, 11:42:16 pm
Well first you have to ask yourself this. . Will it run if i downloaded it to LU? . Will it be a disadvantage to other players who like to DM or whatnot? . Should i ask a admin whether i should use it or not? . Will i be able to play it for a certain amount of time before crashing?
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Complaining about testers of LU
on: November 11, 2010, 11:37:37 pm
Hi folks!
Today at 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm GMT +2.00 two of testers joined the game their names was [KA] Force and Mike. Without any reason they started to attack players which was at server, using some kind a hack they turned into invisible ones and started to deathmatch. I want to know the reason of that, why the f*ck did they came and started to ruin game?
I agree. I know they are admins and all, but this is a disadvantage to most players, especially if they are gonna shoot at visible ones. I think this should be disabled or only for ''occasions''. If you duel them, you will only be able to see the weapon, then when they run away, you can barely see their shadow as they might try to take out a m4 or some lousy rocket and kill you. This is also a bad idea because normal players like him ^ will complain about why they have this command over the forum saying that this is a kind of hack. Mightest well give everyone that command or set out a specific time to use it.