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1  Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Compiling the module sdk (g++) on: August 22, 2016, 07:56:40 pm

Since the LU version when I try to load the modules (compiled with -fPIC because is required) returns false always.

Code: [Select]
SDK_objs = SQMain.o SQFuncs.o

CXX = g++-4.8 -fPIC -Werror
CXXFLAGS = -O2 -DNDEBUG -I. -I ../../common/RakNet/ -I ../../common/
all: clean

default: all $(SDK_objs)
$(CXX) -o $@ $(SDK_objs) -shared -s

SQMain.o: SQMain.cpp SQMain.h SQFuncs.h
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c SQMain.cpp -o $@

SQFuncs.o: SQFuncs.cpp SQFuncs.h
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c SQFuncs.cpp -o $@

rm -f $(SDK_objs)
2  Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Liberty Unleashed Issues List on: August 17, 2016, 06:43:48 pm
Since this topic is outdated and this one is a copy of the first one and even Mantis has as the latest, I decided to make a new list updated and most clear possible.

- -
  • [Server] Player.Spawn(); calls twice onPlayerSpawn event
  • [Server] GetHandlingCheat doesn't return right values sometimes - seems like there's just array with booleans, which LU doesn't clean on player leaving
  • [Server] IsMouseCursorShowing, same as GetHandlingCheat
  • [Server] Pickup.Pos is read-only, can't be settable
  • [Server] onPlayerArmourChange and onPlayerHealthChange doesn't get called when you set the armour or the health (Possible solution: call the event manually)
  • [Client] Player gets crashed when there is GUI stuff and does /reconnect (Possible solution: GUI memory free)
  • [Client] Player.Train always returns true value
  • [Client] Pickup doesn't respawn after >330 times (video)
  • [Client] Player.Angle is read-only
  • [Client] Multiple Player.SetAnim can crash the players
  • [Client] Memory check timeout (Possible solution: update RakNet to latest version)
  • [Client] Player in vehicle with Uzi and ammo 0 can kill players
  • [Client] GetHUDItemEnabled just returns always one value
  • [Client] VectorScreen returns just 'x' value
  • [Client] Vehicle.Collidable makes the vehicle bigger and bigger when you are driving
  • [Client] Spheres become invisibles around 35-40 when the player exits and joins again
  • [Client] Player name being showed without no colors after setting it with Player.ColouredName
  • [Client] Object.VirtualWorld isn't being updated
  • [Client] After setting many times the handling for a vehicle it can't be updated anymore
  • [Client] Players get stuck in the player jump status when they are jumping and gets disconnected (Possible solution: set back the player status to 0)
  • [Client] When a player is jumping and his skin gets changed his player status gets stuck (Possible solution: set back the player status to 0)
  • [Client] When the player spawns and his player wanted level is more than 1, it gets resetted to 0 (Possible solution: set back again the wanted level when he spawns)
  • [Client] Objects crashes: first, second
  • [Client] Player.Marker sets to XYZ 0, 0, 0 when it's your marker and you can see it there
  • [Client] Player.Alpha doesn't work with Claude
  • [Sync] Player.Colour (marker blip) doesn't get updated sometimes until you are near from the player
  • [Sync] When someone is laggy (with high ping or low fps) and he's killed sometimes with vehicle appears like having 100 HP
  • [Sync] Sometimes when the player is on the ground and was hitted by a shotgun is invisible
  • [Sync] When there are many CallClientFunc or CallServerFunc happens randomly packet loss
  • [Sync] Rocket Launcher with 1 rocket sometimes isn't synced

- -
  • [Sync] Random colours of vehicles are sometimes desynced - proven by [WS]Teddy - Unknown
  • [Sync] When a player is driving a vehicle and is tp'ed is invisible (sometimes) - Unsolved / achnowledged
  • [Client/Server] Colour class returns .g, .b with .r value - Unsolved
  • [Client/Server] Player.WeaponAmmo doesn't update every shot, but only on weapon change - Unsolved
  • [Server] LU doesn't load custom LU/data/weapons.dat - Unsolved
  • [Server] GetHUDItemEnabled doesn't return right bool - Unknown
  • [Client] Game crashes with modded cars (Infernus and cheetah mainly with a custom dff) - Unsolved
  • [Client] Objects disappears on explosions or reconnect. - Unsolved
  • [Client] Starting chat typing 'T' and pressing TAB is causing a crash. - Solved
  • [Client] LUID is using HDD serial number which can be easily spoofed. - Solved
  • [Client]  BF Injection when respawns has a invisible door. - Solved

Feature requests:
  • [Browser] Option: set resolution
  • [Browser] Remove GTA:VC directory
  • [Server/Client] New Player.Marker param to show someones marker only for team or Blip.AttachToEntity
  • [Server/Client] Scripted scoreboard
  • [Server/Client] SetPlayerWeather/SetPlayerTime
  • [Server/Client] Set Player.RemoveFromVehicle position
  • [Server/Client] onPlayerWeaponShoot(player, weapon, position)
  • [Server/Client] SetWastedSettings(time, rgb)
  • [Server/Client] PlayFrontEndTrack(player, sfx filename)
  • [Server] Custom weapon settings for a single player
  • [Server] Custom timecyc.dat
  • [Server] Part reason: PARTREASON_RECONNECT
  • [Server] Vehicle.GetEngineState
  • [Server] XmlDocument.Close
  • [Server] Attach object to player/vehicle
  • [Client] Player.RemoveFromVehicle
  • [Client] Vehicle.TaxiLight
  • [Client] Attach player camera to a object/vehicle
  • [Client] Check client files before connect
  • [Client] BASS library functions
  • [Client] Fast spawn
  • [Client] onPlayerPause(player, bool status)
  • [Client] Sound.Loop
3  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Memory check fix on: July 04, 2016, 08:35:44 pm

I will make the topic again, because who deleted it can't give a rational reason for delete it, or even check the files if they have malware, even check if this happens to him too, or even give me a warn with the why instead of just deleting it. Even i shouldn't quote because he know how to read.

Same for me
I noticed that too. I think it may be a new UAC feature that had an unintended consequence.

PD: After an minute AFK, i've received a message: Error: A MEMORY check on your client timed-out.

And i've been kicked.

4  Scripting / Script Releases / Simple crouch on: November 07, 2015, 08:56:05 pm

Press V to crouch.

GitHub repo:
5  Scripting / Script Snippets / [Snippet] Append string to file on: June 24, 2015, 12:20:04 am
usage: v_register("im a string!", "file.txt");
or: v_register("im a string!");

Code: [Select]
function v_register(text, fl = "file.xt") {
local f = file(fl, "a+");
if (f) {
local i = 1, i1 = 2, op = 0, done = false;
while(!done) {
if (op == 0) {
f.writen(int_letters(text.slice(0, i)), 'b');
op = 1;
else if (op == 1) {
i = 0;
op = 2;
else if (op == 2) {
if (i >= text.len()) {
done = true;
f.writen(int_letters(text.slice(i, i1)), 'b');
string += text.slice(i, i1);

f.writen(int_letters("\n"), 'b');

function int_letters(letter) {
switch(letter) {
case "\n": return '\n';
case "[": return '[';
case "]": return ']';
case "-": return '-';
case "+": return '+';
case "^": return '^';
case "*": return '*';
case "}": return '}';
case "{": return '{';
case "(": return '(';
case ")": return ')';
case "#": return '#';
case "/": return '/';
case ":": return ':';
case ".": return '.';
case ",": return ',';
case "<": return '<';
case ">": return '>';
case "|": return '|';
case " ": return ' ';

case "0": return '0';
case "1": return '1';
case "2": return '2';
case "3": return '3';
case "4": return '4';
case "5": return '5';
case "6": return '6';
case "7": return '7';
case "8": return '8';
case "9": return '9';

case "A": return 'A';
case "B": return 'B';
case "C": return 'C';
case "D": return 'D';
case "E": return 'E';
case "F": return 'F';
case "G": return 'G';
case "H": return 'H';
case "I": return 'I';
case "J": return 'J';
case "K": return 'K';
case "L": return 'L';
case "M": return 'M';
case "N": return 'N';
case "O": return 'O';
case "P": return 'P';
case "Q": return 'Q';
case "R": return 'R';
case "S": return 'S';
case "T": return 'T';
case "U": return 'U';
case "V": return 'V';
case "W": return 'W';
case "X": return 'X';
case "Y": return 'Y';
case "Z": return 'Z';

case "a": return 'a';
case "b": return 'b';
case "c": return 'c';
case "d": return 'd';
case "e": return 'e';
case "f": return 'f';
case "g": return 'g';
case "h": return 'h';
case "i": return 'i';
case "j": return 'j';
case "k": return 'k';
case "l": return 'l';
case "m": return 'm';
case "n": return 'n';
case "o": return 'o';
case "p": return 'p';
case "q": return 'q';
case "r": return 'r';
case "s": return 's';
case "t": return 't';
case "u": return 'u';
case "v": return 'v';
case "w": return 'w';
case "x": return 'x';
case "y": return 'y';
case "z": return 'z';
default: return 0;
6  Servers / Advertise your server! / Aurora on: May 24, 2015, 10:05:55 pm

Game Mode: Singleplayer Features Plus*
Owner: Ankris
Version: 1.204
Max players: 30
Location: Netherlands

* Implemented features like vehicle customization, businesses, crouch.
7  Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Wiki issue on: May 12, 2015, 08:11:25 pm
Download the attachment (and open with your default browser), that's the error when I try to enter to Wiki.
I don't know if is browser cache.
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