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Support / Re: LU.exe Not a valid Win32 application.
« Last post by Motley on September 24, 2018, 05:59:14 am »
Windows Xp support was removed.

But if you can oddly get it to work I would have to suggest following these steps if anything.

I know I got Zorin to run Liberty Unleashed. And Zorin is a linux operating systems that's practically a complete setup so wine is already there "It's free".
Support / LU.exe Not a valid Win32 application.
« Last post by AlbatRaozTR on September 22, 2018, 09:02:43 pm »
Hello there. I am a Windows XP Professional SP2 user. When you open LU.exe; "Not a valid Win32 application." I get an error. Can you please help?
Advertise your server! / Re: New polish private server
« Last post by Piterus on September 21, 2018, 02:56:32 pm »
Private server with public password


however good luck
Advertise your server! / New polish private server
« Last post by cyber-sub-zero on September 16, 2018, 02:48:58 pm »
Hi I'd like to ask for adding my private serwer. He will have it max 3 players and it will only be used to play with my pesh friend. Please add this server.
if you add it, please send it in the private message.
server will name "PLprivate" and passworld: kotopsochomik
Command which i'm wants to add: "/skin 0-122","/vehicle 90-150" and thats it

Sorry of my bad english i'm poland
Script Snippets / Re: Inpoly [Command]
« Last post by Motley on September 09, 2018, 08:05:33 pm »
Version two:

Code: [Select]
function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
    if (cmd == "cp" ) {
      if (text) {
        Create_Poly(player, text)
local x1_ = 0, y1_ = 0, x2_ = 0, y2_ = 0, x3_ = 0, y3_ = 0, x4_ = 0, y4_ = 0;

function Create_Poly(player, size) {

    x1_ = player.Pos.x, y1_ =  player.Pos.y, x2_ = player.Pos.x, y2_ = player.Pos.y, x3_ =  player.Pos.x, y3_ = player.Pos.y, x4_ =  player.Pos.x, y4_ =  player.Pos.y;
    size = size.tointeger()
    //North East
    x1_ += size;
    y1_ += size;

    // Display the positions on the radar
    CreateClientBlip(player, BLIP_NONE, Vector(x1_, y1_, -1));
    //South East
    x2_ += size;
    y2_ -= size;

    // Display the positions on the radar
    CreateClientBlip(player, BLIP_NONE, Vector(x2_, y2_, -1));

    // South West
    x3_ -= size;
    y3_ -= size;

    // Display the positions on the radar
    CreateClientBlip(player, BLIP_NONE, Vector(x3_, y3_, -1));

    // North West
    x4_ -= size;
    y4_ += size;

    // Display the positions on the radar
    CreateClientBlip(player, BLIP_NONE, Vector(x4_, y4_, -1));

    // Output the poly so it can be copied and pasted
    print("InPoly(player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, "+x1_+", "+y1_+", "+x2_+", "+y2_+", "+x3_+", "+y3_+", "+x4_+", "+y4_+"); " );
Spam / Re: These are my server scripts
« Last post by [Corleone]Z-Man2065 on August 26, 2018, 06:33:45 pm »
and soon you get the middle finger when you will be banned.

Yee sure xD Here some more....

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
idi nahui(for you i will create special lu server named Alecu is a big pidaras)
Spam / Re: These are my server scripts
« Last post by AlecuMadalin32 on August 19, 2018, 04:02:12 pm »
and soon you get the middle finger when you will be banned.

Yee sure xD Here some more....

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Spam / Re: These are my server scripts
« Last post by [Corleone]Z-Man2065 on August 17, 2018, 04:48:39 pm »
and soon you get the middle finger when you will be banned.
Support / Re: I got this problem :P
« Last post by AlecuMadalin32 on August 17, 2018, 01:38:55 pm »
Maybe try checkdisk or launch LU as an administrator.
Ok, i will try chkdsk or if it doesn't work i will reinstall my windows or upgrade it
Support / Re: I got this problem :P
« Last post by Stoku on August 17, 2018, 10:52:36 am »
Maybe try checkdisk or launch LU as an administrator.
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