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Scripting / Script Releases / A way to fix bf injection crash when entering
on: September 20, 2015, 08:49:28 pm
Guys, me and winston have discovered a way, how to fix the 114 bf injection crash with entering, we tried script something and we discovered a thing what fixes that
it works 999999999% !
function onPlayerEnteringVehicle(player, vehicle, seat ) { local m = vehicle.Model; if( vehicle.Model == 114 ) { player.Vehicle = vehicle; }
Scripting / Script Releases / Animations to weapons
on: August 25, 2015, 10:38:21 am
Want to get a animation when changing weapon like gta 4? install this scripto!
function onPlayerWeaponChange( player, oldwep, newwep, ammo ) { if ( newwep == WEP_FIST ) { player.SetAnim (57); } if ( newwep == WEP_BAT ) { player.SetAnim (58); } if ( newwep == WEP_COLT45 ) { player.SetAnim (57); } if ( newwep == WEP_UZI ) { player.SetAnim (57); } if ( newwep == WEP_SHOTGUN ) { player.SetAnim (58); } if ( newwep == WEP_AK47 ) { player.SetAnim (58); } if ( newwep == WEP_M16 ) { player.SetAnim (58); } if ( newwep == WEP_SNIPER ) { player.SetAnim (58); } if ( newwep == WEP_ROCKETLAUNCHER ) { player.SetAnim (58); } if ( newwep == WEP_FLAMETHROWER ) { player.SetAnim (58); } if ( newwep == WEP_MOLOTOV ) { player.SetAnim (57); } if ( newwep == WEP_GRENADE ) { player.SetAnim (57); } return 1; }
Scripting / Script Releases / Kick UnknownPlayer
on: August 25, 2015, 10:36:30 am
Tired of unknownplayers connecting to your server and doing shit? install this script!
function onPlayerConnect( player ) { if( player.Name == "UnknownPlayer" ) { MessagePlayer( "Change nickname this to Liberty Unleashed 0.1 Server Browser", player ); MessagePlayer( "Tools/Setting/UserName [ UnknownPlayer ]", player ); } return 1; }
They will get crashed, no need to add KickPlayer
Scripting / Script Releases / Free fall script
on: August 25, 2015, 10:28:30 am
Free fall !
remember, its client 0
function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text ) { if ( cmd == "free" ) { local pos = player.Pos; pos.z += 500.0; player.Pos = pos; MessagePlayer( "Lets fly!.", player ); } return 1; }
Liberty Unleashed / Suggestions / Few suggestions with objects
on: August 25, 2015, 10:17:10 am
1. Cars as objects ( unenterable cars ) 2. Skins as objects ( skins as objects) 3. Seeing custom claude skin from other plr 4. Custom radio for other players so they can hear my or others mp3 player
Servers / Advertise your server! / DM Server
on: August 18, 2015, 01:04:53 pm
Map: ship v2 Map Creator: me[trevor] Owner: me(trevor) Max players there were on server = 8 Features Shop, you can buy something from shop, armour, health, etc Big dm map, for 25 players! Stats system, cash
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