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News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (14/06/2016)
on: June 15, 2016, 01:09:23 pm
- Security - Secured the client against some known cheats and exploits
Nope, exploit still works. I ain't checked other stuff, bcs i can't even join any server properly. First of all, Linux server on x64 machine doesn't run: version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found StackOverflow says, that you had to set -static-libstdc++ and -static-libgcc flags. Windows server crashes, if there's some modules loaded.No idea why it crashes.And about client side... Updating via LU browser didn't work properly for me, so i had to use this for update, but new browser doesn't work, so i still use .16 version. After downloading server and client stuff, i tried to join my server. First, what i've found, that client crashes, if server uses sprites. I'll check other things later, but I guess everything I wrote above is enough.
Scripting / Script Help / Re: How to use ScreenPosToWorld?
on: October 08, 2015, 12:05:06 pm
It works weird, but:
function onScriptLoad() { ShowMouseCursor(true); fDepth <- 10.0; } function onClientMouseClick(button, down, x, y) { if (down) { local pos = ScreenPosToWorld(VectorScreen(x, y), fDepth); CallServerFunc(YOUR_PATH_HERE, "CreateObject2", 1344, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } } RegisterRemoteFunc("CreateObject2"); function CreateObject2(model, x, y, z) { CreateObject(model, Vector(x,y,z)); } //CallServerFunc doesn't work w/ Vector class, no idea why
Scripting / Script Help / Re: Progress Bar
on: March 13, 2015, 04:17:22 pm
function onScriptLoad() { Bar <- GUIProgressBar(VectorScreen(800, 600), ScreenSize(140, 10)); //140x10 Bar Bar.MaxValue = 100; Bar.StartColour = Colour(0, 0, 0); //Colour of bar, when value is minimal Bar.EndColour = Colour(0, 100, 255); //Colour of bar, when value is max Bar.Thickness = 5; //Thickness of the borders of bar Bar.Visible = true; Window.AddChild(Bar); // Change "Window" to needed variable (thx Vortrex for correction) } function onClientRender() { Bar.Value = FindLocalPlayer().Health; }
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Re: Liberty Unleashed Issues List []
on: November 14, 2014, 07:03:19 pm
ProcessLineOfSight cause game freeze after multiple calls PS: if there's any entity between 2 vectors, ProcessLineOfSight returns table w/ next values: - .Pos - Vector of entity
- .Model
- .Hit - ?
- .Entity - script pointer of entity(player/vehicle/...)
Otherwise ProcessLineOfSight returns false.
Scripting / Script Help / Re: How to block this sign " on nickname
on: November 10, 2014, 05:32:07 pm
function onPlayerConnect(pPlayer) { if (typeof pPlayer.Name.find("\"") != "null") //using "typeof" method, bcs .find may return 0 value { MessagePlayer("You have been kicked. Your name contains non-allowed characters", pPlayer, 255, 0, 0); KickPlayer(pPlayer); } return 1; }
Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: LU client on the problem
on: November 05, 2014, 02:08:35 pm
Seems like internet connection of your friend cause it. LU browser stop to response, if there's problem with connection. Your friend can look for servers here(clickable), add server to favourite and join servers from favourite tab.
Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Re: Liberty Unleashed Issues List []
on: October 14, 2014, 08:04:37 pm
- GetHandlingCheat(Player) doesn't return right values sometimes - seems like there's just array with booleans, which LU doesn't clean on player leaving
- Same situation with IsMouseCursorShowing
- GetHUDItemEnabled just returns always one value
- VectorScreen returns just 'x' value
- Most of Player vars (e.g. .Immune .WantedLevel) on client-side doesn't return right values - fixable via setting values on server side
Also limits from LU Wiki isn't right. >20 players on screen cause crash, >100 objects on screen cause crash, >400 objects cause crashes sometime