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Scripting / Script Releases / [REL] Owner System 0.1
on: June 21, 2016, 03:34:31 pm
| - download link What's this?
Its a owner system created by me, you can type /ownerpass <password> and will grant you owner permissions to special commandsPlease note, that i will be adding more owner commands and updating this script. now you can put your own password changing the const OwnerPassword = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; If you have any troubles, please, reply to this thread or private message me.
Scripting / Script Releases / [REL] Pickup Saving Script
on: June 19, 2016, 08:10:59 am
What is this? This is a pickup saver script, example if you type /pickup m16, it will be saved to pickups.txt as ready function CreatePickup! very useful if you are making a deathmatch server. Download: did not specify all pickups there, i only did bat,pistol,uzi,shotgun,ak47,m16,sniper,heal,armour You can add other pickups which i missed. Have fun! Credits: append string to file - by ankris
Liberty Unleashed / Support / How to disable auto updater for server?
on: June 16, 2016, 09:34:14 am
i hate the auto updater updating my server to i want keep it how i can disable this? removing updaer.exe was crashing my server
windows vista host if i run the server .exe it just crashes!!! i cant host my server. windows vista
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / report
on: April 03, 2016, 12:41:05 pm
People think, that im a hacker what about ankris? look what hes doing: Fulling other servers with bots, and trying to make his server the best. He thinks hes the best, but in my opinion, he should be black listed permamently.
Scripting / Script Snippets / GUI: Health&Armour Bar!
on: March 30, 2016, 09:04:51 am
RED <- Colour( 250, 20, 20 ); BLACK <- Colour( 100, 100, 100 ); GREEN <- Colour( 0, 255, 0 );
function onClientSpawn(id) { local pos2 = VectorScreen(ScreenWidth/2-545,ScreenHeight/2-850); local size2 = ScreenSize(450,30); local pos3 = VectorScreen(ScreenWidth/2-545,ScreenHeight/2-880); local size3 = ScreenSize(450,30); local pos = VectorScreen(ScreenWidth/2-245,ScreenHeight/2-50); local size = ScreenSize(450,30); Bars <- GUIProgressBar(pos2,size2); BarsA <- GUIProgressBar(pos3,size3); Windows <- GUIWindow(pos,size,"Example Window"); AddGUILayer( Windows ); Windows.AddChild( Bars ); Windows.AddChild( BarsA ); Windows.Alpha = 0; Bars.MaxValue = 100; BarsA.MaxValue = 100; Bars.EndColour = GREEN; Bars.StartColour = RED; BarsA.EndColour = BLACK; BarsA.StartColour = RED; Bars.Alpha = 255; BarsA.Alpha = 255; Bars.Value = 0; BarsA.Value = 0; Bars.Visible = true; BarsA.Visible = true; SetHUDItemEnabled( HUD_HEALTH, false ); SetHUDItemEnabled( HUD_WANTED, false ); SetHUDItemEnabled( HUD_ARMOUR, false ); return 0; } function onClientRender() { if ( Bars ) Bars.Value = FindLocalPlayer().Health.tostring(); if ( BarsA ) BarsA.Value = FindLocalPlayer().Armour.tostring(); if (Bars) { Bars.Value = FindLocalPlayer().Health; } if (BarsA) { BarsA.Value = FindLocalPlayer().Armour; }
Save it to health.nut, and add to script.xml | v <script file="health.nut" client="1" /> This will add a progress bar of health, armour when player spawns
Scripting / Script Help / block other vehicle ids
on: March 21, 2016, 09:08:03 pm
hello, i need help blocking boat vehicles else if ( szCmd == "spawncar" ) { if ( szParams ) { local pTemp = split( szParams, " " ), ID = 90; if ( IsNum( pTemp[ 0 ] ) ) ID = pTemp[ 0 ].tointeger(); if ( ( ID >= 90 ) && ( ID <= 150 ) ) { local v = pPlayer.Pos; MessagePlayer( "Spawning a vehicle with model ID " + ID + "...", pPlayer ); CreateVehicle( ID, Vector( v.x + 5, v.y, v.z ), pPlayer.Angle ); } } if ( szParams == "120" ) { return false; }
and doesnt work, why? i want blocking some vehicles ids, and i dont know, maybe explain me how? :/