This script has been created by me in 2013. Script contain defined new zones in Portland.
You are free and welcome to use this script in any possible way as you wish.
COLOUR_WHITE <- Colour(255, 255, 255); COLOUR_BLACK <- Colour(0, 0, 0); g_GUI_ZONE <- null; g_GUI_ZONEName <- null;
g_ZoneID <- -1;
g_T_Owner <- ["Bandito","Triad", "Bandito", "Diablos","Ballas", "Ballas", "Yakuza","Yakuza", "Yakuza", "Triada","Triada", "Triada", "Leone","Leone", "Leone", "Banditos","Diablos", "Bandito", "Bandito","Bandito", "Bandito", "Diablos","Ballas", "Ballas"];
function SetZoneOwner(i, myData){ g_T_Owner[i] = myData; }
function onScriptLoad() {
pPlayer <- FindLocalPlayer(); NewTimer("ZoneCheck", 1000,0); g_GUI_ZONE = GUIWindow(VectorScreen(ScreenWidth/2-265, ScreenHeight/2-160),ScreenSize(301,50),"Current Zone of:"); g_GUI_ZONE.Visible = false; g_GUI_ZONE.Colour = COLOUR_BLACK; AddGUILayer( g_GUI_ZONE );
g_GUI_ZONEName = GUILabel( VectorScreen(5,1), ScreenSize(300,20 ), "......" ); g_GUI_ZONEName.TextColour = COLOUR_WHITE g_GUI_ZONEName.FontSize = 12 g_GUI_ZONEName.FontName = "Arial"; g_GUI_ZONE.AddChild( g_GUI_ZONEName ); print("Zone script has been loaded"); }
function ZoneCheck() { local i=-1; if(CheckDistance4D(1136.4, 1388.1, -332.2, -194.03)){ i=0; } if(CheckDistance4D(1206.6, 1388.1, -517.1, -335.6)){ i=1; } if(CheckDistance4D(1116.1, 1205.5, -193.63, -38.84)){ i=2; } if(CheckDistance4D(1035.9, 1115.9, -233.71, -114.05)){ i=3; } if(CheckDistance4D(901.1, 1034.6, -328.4, -109.31)){ i=4; } if(CheckDistance4D(901, 1007.9, -108.84, 27.49)){ i=5; } if(CheckDistance4D(763.0, 900.4, -284.0, -59.45)){ i=6; } if(CheckDistance4D(764.8, 900.4, -444.3, -283.87)){ i=7; } if(CheckDistance4D(901.3, 1011.2, -471.7, -329.3)){ i=8; } if(CheckDistance4D(764.7, 901.2, -477.8, -444.2)){ i=9; } if(CheckDistance4D(1011.5, 1068.4, -467.7, -234.46)){ i=10; } if(CheckDistance4D(1113.4, 1205.8, -483.6, -334.3)){ i=11; } if(CheckDistance4D(996, 1205.3, -517.4, -483.8)){ i=12; } if(CheckDistance4D(765.3, 995.1, -640, -475.3)){ i=13; } if(CheckDistance4D(995.2, 1086.9, -639.8, -606.3)){ i=14; } if(CheckDistance4D(765.6, 1073.8, -778.8, -639.5)){ i=15; } if(CheckDistance4D(765.2, 1071.3, -865.1, -779.1)){ i=16; } if(CheckDistance4D(1079, 1141.1, -1049.8, -940)){ i=17; } if(CheckDistance4D(1085.2, 1222.7, -1171.4, -1039.9)){ i=18; } if(CheckDistance4D(939.5, 1084.9, -1157.7, -1050.1)){ i=19; } if(CheckDistance4D(1223.7, 1355.2, -1185.8, -1001.7)){ i=20; } if(CheckDistance4D(1357.7, 1540.4, -871.3, -766)){ i=21; } if(CheckDistance4D(1357, 1549.8, -1040.7, -872.9)){ i=22; } if(CheckDistance4D(1290.5, 1340, -804.5, -716.1)){ i=23; } if(g_ZoneID != i){ onPlayerZoneChanged(g_ZoneID, i); } g_ZoneID = i; //Message("Zona:" + g_ZoneID); return 1; }
function onPlayerZoneChanged(OldID, NewID) //Its a Call back {
if(NewID == -1){ g_GUI_ZONEName.Text = " "; g_GUI_ZONE.Visible = false; } else { g_GUI_ZONEName.Text = g_T_Owner[NewID] + " gang"; g_GUI_ZONE.Visible = true; } //DO something else here... }
function CheckDistance4D(Xlow, Xhigh, Ylow, Yhigh ) { local mP = pPlayer.Pos; if ( ( mP.x >= Xlow ) && ( mP.x <= Xhigh ) && ( mP.y >= Ylow ) && ( mP.y <= Yhigh )) { return true; }
return false; }