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Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Memory check fix
on: July 15, 2016, 07:03:53 pm
It works as intended (and have yet to see a case where it wasn't working as intended) with one minor side-effect minimizing the game will cause the anti-cheat to kick you as minimizing stops all game and net processing. wat, I could post here with a pic of the ban message I could remember my account, was written with caps and rage. No ban was issued by me (or anyone as far as i'm aware) for the creation of this topic or any of the previous ones on this subject. "we have no time", "we have a job", "we have a life", instead you are playing Rocket League, GTA 5 or Borderlands (thx steam). This is a free mod, we don't get paid for working on it and when most of us have been coding all day and get home the last thing they feel like doing is coding some more, they are entitled to some free time you know. It's exactly this kind of thing that stops us as developers having the motivation to continue working on a free mod. wat
What i mean is it's people like you, with an attitude like yours (as you can see from the last quote) that stop us thinking 'you know what'll be a good use of our free time, sitting down and working on LU'.
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Memory check fix
on: July 15, 2016, 12:56:17 am
There was no ban, i just deleted the topics and the reason why is/should have been pretty obvious especially considering the way the first post is worded, he knew it was wrong yet posted it anyway. This isn't a fix at all and actually breaks part of the anti-cheat which is why the first two topics were removed.
Ankris could easily have been banned for 'spamming' after i removed the topic yet he continued to repost it, the only reason why i didn't do this is because i thought it wasn't worth it.
It's exactly this kind of thing that stops us as developers having the motivation to continue working on a free mod.
News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (14/06/2016)
on: June 19, 2016, 09:34:21 pm
I think what Force is trying to say is: You are receiving this error because your operating system is seriously out of date. The function that the launcher is looking for was introduced with a path to Windows 7 that was released in 2011 (
Run Windows Update, install the several hundred updates that you are missing and try again.
Seriously, why don't you have updates installed? :/
And as SugarD pointed out please use the support board next time.
Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist
on: June 08, 2016, 10:50:15 pm
Also I would like to comment on this file modification capability. I find it most worrying that there is no security feature that prevents modifying the OS or the game itself.
This issue has been addressed and will be in the next update, I have no idea why Squirrels IO library was ever included clientside to begin with.
Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist
on: June 08, 2016, 12:03:14 am
Well, I don't need to know anything more. XP users will stop playing, just as you don't play for a few years. Indifferent to you how many players will play. In the end, it's an old problem (here and surely few others topics). Now, nobody protests, because no one plays. Gratz and good luck with that attitude in relations to the players. ** Progress tends to attract users.**
Pround User Windows 8.1 See that makes it sound like we don't care about our players, but we do. This change is for the betterment of the community and will only improve the mod, better performance and security enhancements can only help stablize the mod and thus the end users (you) will have a better experience.
Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist
on: June 07, 2016, 07:36:10 pm
So you link to that poll and say 'look some players are still on XP' alright fair enough BUT there is a bigger percentage NOT on XP, so what you're actually implying is, you want us to continue to support XP for the few people still living in the stone age while people with more modern OS'es loose out on the performance and security enhancements available when dropping support.
Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist
on: June 07, 2016, 12:49:20 am
You abandon XP for simple reason, nut enough skillz to write good security code. It's like this "hey hey, we don't need to care about XP plebs, we will ignore them and say that our code won't work there". Yes that totally must be it</sarcasm> i mean it's not like more than half our dev team work as software developers for proper companies. Mainly because it's effort to install the stupid XP targetting pack in VS2015. This isn't a reason at all.
What is a good enough reason is the performance and security features we can use by targeting an OS that isn't over a decade old. There is and NEVER will be a good reason to continue supporting XP.
Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist
on: June 06, 2016, 01:33:52 am
Yes i will admit that was pretty embarrassing but my point still stands and as VRocker said XP machines shouldn't even be online nowadays they are far too vulnerable to attack. What does activity have to do with this? this entire mod hasn't been active for about the same length of time but that's 'not the main subject here'.
Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist
on: June 05, 2016, 11:13:46 pm
LU logic: GTA III can be run on Windows 98. Unofficial multiplayer can be run only on system about 10 years later.. Good luck in creating a community of players :| (3 players online at the time of writing the post. Very probably with e.g XP). By the way, very interesting when you played the last time in the multiplayer more than 5 minutes.
You're an idiot. Just because GTA III runs on an OS well over 10 years old doesn't mean we should still support an OS even Microsoft themselves have dropped support for, hell even GTA modding tools are dropping XP support an example of that would be Magic.TXD.
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / [Experimental] RaspberryPI Server
on: August 20, 2014, 02:00:11 am
As i was bored earlier today i decided to attempt to compile the LU server on the pi, as some of you have requested this in the past, and this is the result. Notes: - Experimental and should NOT be used for mainstream server hosting. - Compatible Version: LU - You will need the server config files from the Linux or Windows archives. - No compatible modules at this time. - This release may be a one off so don't count on support for this version of the server. Download: Click here. - AdTec_224
Off Topic / Spam / Re: Screenshot Desktop
on: September 10, 2013, 07:20:32 pm
What hard ? You OS ? It's my best favourite OS I hate Seven but I can't install after Seven because this refused install all version older. Microsoft want Kill XP for we buy Seven... $$$ business -_-
That's like saying to someone in 2005 "Microsoft want to kill Windows 95 for $$$ business -_-" the fact is XP is over a decade old and should be killed off, no one in their right mind should be using an OS that old, unless they are forced to do so due to outdated hardware. Anyway back on topic: Here's my desktop cookies for people who know which TV show thats from