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1  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Update (06/08/14) on: August 07, 2014, 12:53:28 am
Liberty Unleashed 0.1 Update

Updates to Liberty Unleashed 0.1 have been released, they will be automatically applied the next time you restart your server browser, the following changes include:

  • General - All players now have an ID assigned to them known as the LUID
  • General - Rewritten the ban list system
  • Scripting - New ban functions (server): BanPlayer( player[, BANTYPE_CONST] ); BanLUID( luid ); UnbanLUID( luid ); UnbanName( name );
  • Scripting - New constants for BanPlayer function: BANTYPE_NAME, BANTYPE_IP, BANTYPE_LUID
  • General - Server owners now have the option to upload an .rtf MOTD to their website (server.conf: server_rule motd
  • General - Right clicking a server in the browser now enables you to show the MOTD (can be ignored)
  • General - Attempt to re-add XP support in the client - this WILL BE discontinued at a later date as Microsoft no longer supports XP and so it is recommended to update your operating system
  • General - Fixed bugs and typos in the browser
  • General - Fixed the slow-mo bug for those of you on PCs that aren't from this decade

Known issues
  • Instances where a vehicle that has been teleported appears as invisible and will cause a crash when the remote player attempts to exit
  • Entities within entities are known to cause a crash
  • Remote players that don't fully enter a train and then attempt to exit will somtimes cause a crash
  • Sounds may not be working - unable to track down root issue
  • XP support may not even work as the developers are all running Windows 8 and have no way of testing on an XP machine

The update requires the new client (which the browser should download) and a new server for any server hosters. The new client and server have been compiled using Visual Studio 2013 (XP support), a new redistributable will be installed.
2  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Update (02/08/14) on: August 02, 2014, 02:42:12 am
Liberty Unleashed 0.1 Update

Updates to Liberty Unleashed 0.1 have been released, they will be automatically applied the next time you restart your server browser, the following changes include:

  • Scripting - Fixed previously exploitable client script bugs
  • Scripting - Servers must now call RegisterRemoteFunc( "function" ) before client scripts can use them
  • Scripting - Removed Halt() from squirrel scripts
  • Scripting - Fixed the VM busy bug for internal squirrel function calls
  • Scripting - Fixed CGUILabel alpha not working
  • Scripting - Added a method to set a CGUISprite's alpha (Sprite.SetAlpha( blah ))
  • Scripting - Added ProcessLineOfSight to Squirrel - Client scripts: ProcessLineOfSight( Vector3 pos, Vector3 target )
  • Scripting - Added mouse movement/button related events to scripts - onClientMouseMove( short x, short y ), onclientMouseClick( int button, bool down, short x, short y ), onClientMouseWheel( bool moved )
  • Scripting - Fixed GUIMemobox.FontName
  • Scripting - Added scripting/gui lib functions to get/set mouse cursor position (client) - VectorScreen GetMouseCursorPos( void ), SetMouseCursorPos( VectorScreen pos )
  • Scripting - Fixed CGUIButton::SetTextColour
  • Scripting - Added buttons to squirrel GUI layers (SendBack, Forward, etc.)
  • Scripting - Fixed CUtils::ScreenToWorld
  • Scripting - Added a depth parameter to ScreenPosToWorld (client) - ScreenPosToWorld( float x, float y, float depth ), ScreenPosToWorld( Vector3 pos, float depth )
  • Scripting - Added Vector.Lerp() to squirrel
  • Scripting - Made ProcessLineOfSight return a table with the collision entity, position and model ID
  • Scripting - Fixed some facking stupid sphere/checkpoint related bugs (netcode related)
  • General - Fixed UGP spamming if it was queried with the wrong version
  • General - Fixed the -appendname commandline argument in the server only accepting 32 characters
  • General - Fixed a potential server crash when loading a script that has no Script.xml
  • Scripting - Fixed setting armour instead of health when calling player.Health in a client script
  • General - Fixed not being able to get in vehicles
  • General - Fixed a crash on join if sounds are added to the server
  • Scripting - You must now specify a script when using CallServerFunc (such as CallServerFunc( "main.nut", "function_name"); )

Known issues
  • Instances where a vehicle that has been teleported appears as invisible and will cause a crash when the remote player attempts to exit
  • Entities within entities are known to cause a crash
  • Remote players that don't fully enter a train and then attempt to exit will somtimes cause a crash
  • Sounds may not be working - unable to track down root issue


  • Those of you that are using compiled client scripts will find that they do not work anymore - anyone with a client script should now send them over uncompiled.

The update requires the new client (which the browser should download) and a new server for any server hosters. The new client and server have been compiled using Visual Studio 2013 (XP support), a new redistributable will be installed.
3  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Update (09/11/2013) on: November 09, 2013, 08:35:18 pm
Liberty Unleashed 0.1 Update

Updates to Liberty Unleashed 0.1 have been released, they will be automatically applied the next time you restart your server browser, the following changes include:

  • Fixed the server checking for updates every 84000 milliseconds (Changed to 12 hours)
  • Reset health and weapons on reconnect
  • Fixed a crash related to vehicle alpha channels
  • Fixed a buffer overflow
  • Fixed the spawnscreen spamming spawned packets on reconnect
  • Made the crashed packet send as soon as the exception handler displays
  • Cleaned up a lot of memory on disconnect (helps fix reconnect bugs)
  • Fixed sirens and locked states of vehicles being incorrectly set on initial connect and reconnect
  • Fixed dying if /reconnecting while in a vehicle
  • Fixed a crash in the client when removing radar markers
  • Fixed a crash when starting/stopping bad timers
  • Fixed a crash relating to not enough memory for audio objects
  • Fixed editboxes stealing focus from other GUI objects
  • Fixed the password being displayed in editboxes when clicking off and back on to editboxes
  • Fixed a crash with the BF injection when repairing a vehicle out of streaming range of other players then other players trying to enter it
  • Fixed some bugs with handling data
  • Changed the invalid nick character to ?
  • Fixed being able to load client scripts when you shouldn't be (now shouts about checksum mismatch)
  • Fixed BF Injection crash (again)

The update requires the new client (which the browser should download) and a new server for any server hosters.
4  Off Topic / General Chat / MESI: Survival, help the LU devs create a virtual reality game on: September 06, 2013, 01:08:24 am
If anyone here has Twitter it would be awesome if you could help me and VRocker turn our idea of a virtual reality game into a living idea.

We are aiming to get into the top 100 which would get us some artwork (then we can Kickstart it), and the ideal goal is to get into the top 10 because then that would actually give us the funds to create the game.

If you could login to Twitter and then hit the vote button for us that would be awesome.
5  Off Topic / General Chat / Madnight GamesTech on: May 20, 2013, 07:28:19 pm
A bit of a shameful plug here but check out if you want to stay up to date with the latest technology and gaming news! There will be trailers, screenshots and general press releases there as well as game and product reviews.
6  Scripting / Module Releases / Global Watchlist on: November 15, 2011, 10:54:19 pm
Liberty Unleashed Global Watchlist Module

With the help of AdTec_224 and VRocker I have created a module for the global watchlist that stormeus set up a few days ago. The basic idea is that it will grab the watchlist from the Liberty Unleashed site every 6 hours and on server start.

This module allows server owners to plug it in and decide what they want to do with anyone found on the watchlist, such as kick or ban the player. The watchlist will be updated and mainted by the Liberty Unleashed Staff meaning that you don't need to worry about the data being wrong.

The scripting functions that this module includes are:

Watchlist_CheckName( string name );

This will check the specified name against the cached watchlist, if theres a match it will return true.

Code: [Select]
function onPlayerJoin( pPlayer )
local check = Watchlist_CheckName( pPlayer.Name );

if ( check )
// Do something with the player.
return 1;

Watchlist_ForceUpdate( void );

This will force the server to update the watchlist, we have made it so that you can only do this one every six hours.

Code: [Select]
function onPlayerJoin( pPlayer )

Watchlist_SetUpdateInterval( int interval )

This will set the automatic update interval, the minimum and default time is 6 hours.

Code: [Select]
function onScriptLoad()
Watchlist_SetUpdateInterval( 21600000 ); // This will set the update interval to every six hours (in ticks). 1 second is 1000 ticks.

The source code for this module can be found
To download the modules click

Installing this module is as easy as adding LU_Watchlist.(dll/so) to your modules folder and calling LoadModule( "LU_Watchlist" ); on the onScriptLoad event.

We will try and maintain this module as best as we can and might even expand on its functionality in the future.

If you find any bugs let us know as soon as possible!
7  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Liberty Unleashed: Conquest Server on: November 09, 2011, 12:43:50 am
LU: Conquest is a little something I've been working on for the past two days or so, I've ported it directly from Miami-Dade: Starfish Island Conquest as that was always the plan. The basic idea is to try and obtain control of the two checkpoints on the map. The first team that hits 0 respawn tickets looses the match. Tickets can be lost through being killed and owning none or only one base.

You gain EXP and will unlock more weapons, ammo and armour as you progress through the levels (there needs to be a minimum amount of players in the server to prevent boosting/stats padding). This script should be ready within the next few days but heres a little something for now:

There isn't much left to do apart think of some better map icons, fix the map boundaries and privately test, hopefully this can be used for some LU tournaments in the future or something! :)
8  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Liberty Unleashed Clan League on: July 10, 2011, 07:41:44 pm
The LU Clan League is something that I have thought of to try and get clans actively playing LU as due to the lack of game modes that there are currently around theres not many people playing.


The format is simple, teams will play a round against each other when it is suitable for both teams. The rounds will be a 10 minute death match on a money grub server. The team that collects the most cash in those 10 minutes will be declared the winner.

Gaining Cash

Gaining cash is simple, for every kill you make you will gain $100, for every time you are killed you will loose $50. If you get 5/10/15 etc kills in a row without dieing then you will be given extra bonuses.


Points will be rewarded to teams in the following format; Win: 3 pts, Draw: 2pts, Loose: 1pt.

How long till we win!?

Once the league is over, if any teams are tied on points then the team with most cash gained throughout the tournament will be declared the winner. We are unsure on how long the league will last, it will be dependant on how many teams enter the league, as they will all play each other twice.

Organising a match

It will be up to each team leader to organise their next scheduled match with their opponent, if any team fails to turn up they will score 0 points. The result of each match will be confirmed by both teams for it to stand and a referee will also stand in to confirm the result (PM me if you would like to referee a match).

Sign up

When you sign up please state your team name, entrants and what skin your team will be using, choices will be Darkel or Claude. If two teams fight who have the same skin then the team highest in the rankings will get priority.

Head on over to to sign up, post here if you have any questions.
9  Scripting / Script Releases / LU Mini Modes [Protection Racket] on: June 29, 2011, 08:38:20 pm

Liberty Unleashed Minimodes is a script that I was working on before the release of LU as part of testing, it was used a few times but it never really saw the light of day so I've decided to release this so people can make better use of it.

This script comes with files for both the server and the client, it is a simple Protection Racket Deathmatch game mode, the aim of the game is to either defend or destroy the limos, you take it in turns to do each.

Note; I haven't done any work on this script for a while so there may be a few bugs, if you do find any let me know so that I can get them fixed as soon as possible.


Installation of this script is simple, simply extract the LUMinimodes folder to the 'Scripts' folder in your server directory and edit your content.xml to add the following:

Code: (xml) [Select]
<script folder="LUMinimodes"/>
Script History

v0.1 - Initial release


Latest Release: LU Mini Modes [Protection Racket]
10  Scripting / Script Releases / Staunton Gangwar on: June 29, 2011, 08:38:17 pm

Staunton Gangwar is a script that I created for the Project Apollo team so we had a server in LU, I've decided to release it now since it shows good integration of server and client scripts.

It is a simple money grub game mode where players have to try and earn the most money whilst they are on the server, you are locked onto Staunton Island (hence the name) with just an ammunation to buy extra weapons.

Note; I haven't done any work on this script for a while so there may be a few bugs, if you do find any let me know so that I can get them fixed as soon as possible.


Installation of this script is simple, simply extract the StauntonGangwar folder to the 'Scripts' folder in your server directory and edit your content.xml to add the following:

Code: (xml) [Select]
<script folder="StauntonGangwar"/>
Script History

v0.1 - Initial release


Latest Release: Staunton Gangwar
11  Scripting / Script Releases / LUS - Registration System on: June 28, 2011, 05:11:51 pm

LUS (Liberty Unleashed Scripting) is a new script that I am working on which will be released in different sections of code which scripters will be looking for, such as registrations systems, bank systems and possibly any requests people may have.

The first part to this script is a registration system, this simple registration system is easy to use and comes with both /register and /login commands. The scripts have been heavily commented to help in figuring out what it all does.


Installation of this script is simple, simply extract the LUS folder to the 'Scripts' folder in your server directory and edit your content.xml to add the following:

Code: (xml) [Select]
<script folder="LUS"/>
There is one toggleable feature and this is the amount of invalid password attempts you can have before being kicked, this is set to a default of 3.

Script History

v0.1 - Initial release


Latest Release: LUS - Registration Script
Mirror: LUS - Mirror by Thijn
12  Scripting / Script Releases / Class Selection Script on: March 20, 2011, 12:47:08 am
Class Selection Script

This simple class selection script has been written to help out those who wish to show the skin name, or team name, of the selected skin, whilst on the skin selection screen.

To install this script, extract the files to your 'Scripts' folder in your server directory. Once you have done so, add the following to your content.xml

Code: (xml) [Select]
<script folder="ClassSelection"/>
Read the comments at the top of the script for information on toggling between team/skin name and big/small messages.

Script History
v0.2 - Added in an easy way to switch between showing skin/team names and using big/small messages.
v0.1 - Initial Release

Latest Release: Class Selection Script
13  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Setting up and running your Liberty Unleashed 0.1 Server on: October 25, 2010, 08:58:42 pm
LU Server Guide

This is a simple guide that I created on how to setup and connect to your LU server, remember this only covers the basics, if you need more help then consult the wiki.


If you wish to download the PDF document then you are free to use the following link;


If you don't have a PDF reader then using this link;

Google Docs - LU Server Guide

Release History

1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Updated server download links
14  Scripting / Script Releases / [Addon] Force's Beginner Scripts - Echo Script on: October 22, 2010, 03:59:41 pm
LU FBS R1 Addon - Echo Script

The following script is an addon script to the previously released FBS scripts, they provide the functionality to connect your server to an IRC echo channel. A base template has been created and it is down to you add to hook up what events etc are sent to the echo channel, you also need to create the commands that you wish (an example has been provided). Make sure you read the included 'readme.txt' so that you can make full use of these scripts.


The download is available at LU FBS 01 R1 Echo Addon

(For Firefox users, you may have to right click the link and then select 'Save link as' and then select 'All types' under the 'Save as type' list and then add .rar onto the end of the file name.)


These scripts have been tested to the best standard possible within the LU testing team and are being released in a working state. If you do encounter any problems then let me know so that they can be sorted out as quickly as possible.

Release History

1.0 - Initial Release
15  Scripting / Script Releases / Force's Beginner Scripts - Release 1 on: October 22, 2010, 03:54:57 pm

This is the first release of my base scripts for Liberty Unleashed, it provides all the basic commands that you would need for a simple deathmatch server with accounts, spree detection and all the needed commands such as /heal and /wep. You are also able to save your stats and toggle whether or not they get saved. There is also /goto, once again with the option of turning off the ability for players to teleport to you. Lastly there is an inbuilt /report command that will alert all in-game admins of any trouble makers, full list of commands which require a certain level can be changed in 'CommandsList.ini'.

Read the included readme.txt!


The download is available at LU FBS 01 R1

(For Firefox users, you may have to right click the link and then select 'Save link as' and then select 'All types' under the 'Save as type' list and then add .rar onto the end of the file name.)


These scripts have been tested to the best standard possible within the LU testing team and are being released in a working state. If you do encounter any problems then let me know so that they can be sorted out as quickly as possible.

Release History

1.0 - Initial Release
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